Bastet originated during the old kingdom and her previous form was a lioness warrior called Bast, the goddess of warfare. The new kingdom after the war brought on a change to the goddess by transitioning her lion head into that of a domesticated cat and changing her name to Bastet for more femininity (SOURCE). However, in the new kingdom she is sometimes shown with a lion mask, perhaps so that her origins are not forgotten.
Bastet is said to be the daughter of Ra, the sun god. There is a popular legend that credits Bastet for killing the evil serpent Apep and protecting her father Ra. Everyday at sunrise she fought Apep, who was said to eat souls and bring chaos to wherever he goes. Once he was defeated she became the patron and guardian of home, women, and domestic cats (SOURCE). This mythology connects to the cat worship that held in the culture, as cats attacked snakes and other vermin to protect the people.
Cats were held at a pedestal at this time, …show more content…
The most popular temple is called the house of Bastet, located in the city of Bubastis in the eastern delta of river in Zagazig (SOURCE). There her shrine lies where worshippers can come and offer gifts to appease her, usually being sculptures, food, and perfumes. Bastet was celebrated and loved easily because she was a goddess of not just cats but also pleasure, music, dancing, and joy. Massive festivals were held in her honor and brought attention of many outsiders because of the lively music. The Cult of Bastet was banned in 390 BCE by the roman imperial decree, and then Bubastis was sadly destroyed by the Persians in 350