The word Bat Mitzvah directly means ‘the daughter of commandments’ in Hebrew and referred to when a girl turns of age (12 years old) she is recognized by the Jewish community as having the same rights as an elder Jewish women. The girl is now viewed as being morally and ethically responsible for her decisions and actions. The Bat Mitzvah is an important bond in religious and spiritual experiences, and the most crucial aspect of this celebration is the influence and long term effect the experience will have on the young woman’s Jewish identity. Young women find who have turned of age usually find it meaningful to choose one mitzvah (women within the Old Testament) to research in depth to developing a personal connection with …show more content…
her story for the Bat Mitzvah ceremony. Every young woman entering a Bat Mitzvah requires a role model that will influence her for the rest of her life, such as Ruth a women who possess the qualities of faithfulness, courage, and willpower. Researching an important woman from Jewish history like Ruth enables a girl to share the lessons from her life. These lessons will stay with a girl for the rest of her life, assisting in the decisions one has to make throughout their life.
A famine struck the land of Israel so Elimelech, an Ephrathite from Bethlehem in Judah, went to stay in the land of Moab taking with him his wife Naomi and his two sons, Mahlon and Chilion. After establishing a home in Moab, Elimelech died. Naomi’s two sons married two Moabite women but after 10 years both sons died.
News reached Moab that the famine in Israel had ended; it was then that Naomi decided to return to her home as her daughters-in-law accompanied her. Naomi kissed Ruth and Orpah, and they wept aloud. They said to her, "No, we will return with you to your people." (NRSV 1:9-10). This quote shows Ruth’s loyalty and love for her mother in-law to leave her family and everything she has known for the mother of her dead husband. The three women set off for Judah, but along the way Naomi insisted that her daughters-in-laws return to their family, both refused at first yet one left leaving Naomi and Ruth. Ruth said: ‘Do not press me to leave you and to stop going with you, for wherever you go, I shall go, wherever you live, I shall live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God’ 1:16. This is the most popular and powerful quote from the whole book; Ruth’s words to Naomi are a pledge of loyalty and faithfulness. This one quotes shows how the notion of faithfulness, courage and willpower are embedded in Ruth’s admirable qualities.
Ruth went into the fields to collect barley for her and Naomi and it was there that a man took favourably upon her. Ruth going out into the fields shows willpower and determination to care for Naomi and live a Jewish life which is so different to the life she once had in Moab. The field belonged to a man named Boaz, a relative of Naomi’s husband. Boaz offered Ruth protection he said ‘listen, my daughter, do not leave this field or go gleaning in any other and stay close to my young women. I have instructed the men not to hinder you. And when you are thirsty drink from the pitchers my servants have filled’. Boaz did it out of the kindness of what she had done from Naomi as he had heard from the talk of the town. This shows that the efforts of Ruth travelled around the village once again proving that she was admired for her efforts in caring for her mother-in-law.
Naomi instructed Ruth to look her best and go visit Boaz whilst he was out in the fields one night. Ruth talked to Boaz about the idea of them marrying to redeem Naomi’s land. This act shows Ruth’s undying loyalty to Naomi as she is willing to marry a man she hardly knows to redeem Naomi’s land. Ruth and Boaz married and eventually became the parents of Obed who was the grandfather of David, the second king of Israel.
The background of Ruth is the period of Judges, a time when powerful men lost perspective regarding their place in relation to Yahweh, the deity of Israel (The Book of Judges, n.d.). The author of the book or Ruth is unknown. Yet it is believed the historical setting is the period of the judges, although there are certain indications that it has been, at least worked into its final form, at a much later time. An example, the opening words, “In the days when the judges ruled” is related to the period, the “gloss” in Ruth.4.7 explains an ancient custom for later readers and Ruth.4.22 mentions David. Thus the final edit of the story didn’t end until the time of David.
It is suggested that there is a possibility of Samuel being the author of the book of Ruth because they hold to a late date.
For example: the explanation of levirate marriage but if the custom had finished during Samuel’s day, he would have needed to enlighten the meaning for his generation and for those to follow. Purposes of post-exilic, ethnic toleration in view of reforms by Ezra’s and Nehemiah, the traditional emphasis may well be explained by the portions of the Law which existed in Samuel’s day (An Introduction to the book of Ruth, n.d.). The background of the book demonstrates the period of the judges in a uniform way which would be familiar to Samuel. The ‘Hebrew style’ of Ruth is different from Nehemiah, Chronicles, Esther or Jonah, but is on a closely linked to the portions of Samuel.
Women's behaviour was exceedingly restricted in the Old Testament such as (The Status of Women in The Old Testament, B.A. Robinson, 2012):
• Unmarried women were not permitted to leave the home of their father without permission.
• Married women were not allowed to leave the home of the husband, without his permission.
• Women had little or no authority.
• Could not testify in court.
• Could not appear in public …show more content…
• Not allowed to talk to strangers.
The feminist critique interprets the book of Ruth to depict a story of a young woman who isn’t submissive, passive or dependent upon a men yet she is in control, active and demanding. She is portrayed as a women who wouldn’t talk no for an answer out of the goodness of her heart towards her mother-in-law. She is a strong woman who leaves her family, home and religion for the company of Naomi which shows her loyalty. When Ruth goes to work within the fields it shows her independence and desire to accomplish everything on her own.
Ruth, a widow recognizes loyalty.
She chose to stay by the side of Namoi, her mother-in-law rather than return to her hometown. Even though this choice reduces her chances of finding another husband, as she leaves her family and her religion, the two things she holds dearly to her heart, she is able to live a courageous life. Ruth keeps focused on the big picture; her love for Naomi and the desire to be with a part of the Jewish faith mean more to her than the desire for marriage. The shows to young women that there is more to life when being someone’s wife, yes it is an important commitment none the less but it isn’t necessary to live the life of God.
Young women can follow in the footsteps of Ruth by living their life by the motto of loyalty, bravery and determination. These characteristics of any women promote an image of purity and idealization which is imperative to live a life of integrity just like
The story of Ruth promotes the notion that courage and integrity triumph over misfortune. The story of Ruth celebrates family and it’s continuation through the generations. It promotes that Ruth; a foreigner from the despised Moabites could find herself within the mist of God’s protection seeing that Judaism wasn’t even her birth religion. Even from a feminist point of view Ruth is seen as an excellent story of a woman who is independent and can take care of herself which is a quality that every young give should have embedded within them. The story shows Ruth to be an intelligent, strong, loyal and level-headed. Ruth imitates purity of thought, noble behaviour and amiable characteristics. The message that Ruth encourages to young women today is that you can be loyal and admirable without being dependent upon others. The book shows how God is always there for you if you are willing to connect with him, just like he did for Ruth. He’ll support and protect any young woman who demonstrations the qualities of Ruth throughout their life.
Therefore the story of Ruth represents her as a perfect role model for any young women entering into her Bat Mitzvah and into adulthood. The story of Ruth can have a huge influence on women today by recognizing that a woman who has assets of faithfulness; courage and willpower are what any young women who want integrity should obtain. Ruth encourages women to be a better person, kinder and more open minded, more willing to connect with the people around and live the life of God.