Furthermore, …show more content…
The theory has described learning as a cognitive process that takes place in a social context, but can also occur purely through observation. People can learn just by observing others. According to Bandura (1978) “models are an important source of learning new behaviors and for achieving behavioral change…” (p.20). So for instance, viewers who spend lots of time pasted in front of the television are more likely to model the behaviors represented in front of them. For example, kids who spend a lot of time watching Batman movies such as The Dark Knight Rises may extrapolate the world of Batman and begin to see the real world as Gotham City (the city where The Dark Knight Rises takes place) and attempt to live out what is shown in the …show more content…
Kids have a tendency to admire the superheroes they see on television and in movies. One prime example of this the Halloween costumes that many kids wear, some of the most popular costumes are superheroes. Superheroes fight crime through a perspective that good will prevail and that it is right to do what they do.
Media viewing cultivates ways of seeing the world, those who spend more time “living” in the world of television are more likely to see the “real world” in terms of images, values, and ideologies that emerge through the lens of media. The movie presents many theological points that if analyzed correctly can build God’s kingdom. When kids idolize superheroes it then becomes a part of their identity. Their identity is always being shaped not only by their parents, but also by what they watch on television and in