Stephan Buller, Eckhard Karden, Andreas Lohner, Rik W. De Doncker Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, Aachen University of Technology Jagerstrde 17-1 9, D-52066 Aachen, Germany Tel.: +49-241-806945, Fax: +49-241-67505, e-mail:
Abstract - In this paper the main principles and the general structure of battery monitoring and management systems (BMS) are explained. Furthermore, a newly developed, highly accurate and inexpensive data acquisition system for BMS is presented. The modular measuring system consists of two different types of monitoring units, a battery block-voltage monitoring unit and a battery current- and temperature monitoring unit. Following the discussion of the measuring hardware, a LabView realization of a universal BMS software is described in detail. Due to the flexible design of the LabView BMS, the system is able to perform control and surveillance activities for any kind of battery application and battery technology (e.g. Pb, VRLA, NiCd, NiMH etc.). The BMS was originally designed for VRLR batteries in uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS), but was also tested in electric vehicles (VW CityStromer, BMW).
In a second step, a universal battery management system (BMS) was realized as a LabView application. The use of a personal computer instead of a microcontroller leads to much higher flexibility of the BMS and allows easy adaptation to various kinds of battery applications and battery technologies. The LabView-based BMS controls data acquisition, performs data processing, visualization and storage and provides a graphic user interface. Apart from monitoring features, the BMS evaluates the measured data and interacts with external components, such as the charger, the temperature regulation system and the inverter controller. A modem battery management system, in contrast to simple battery monitors, is
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