How much voltage of the battery (6V) and the number of coils, can pick up paperclips?
IV = voltage of the battery
DV = number of paperclips
Constants: trials, number of coils, battery
If the amount of voltage (IV) is increased, the number of paperclips (DV) will increase as you pick them up. This is because the higher the voltage, the stronger the energy produced in the coil around the metal rod.
Materials used:
6 volt battery
Partner(s) to hold coil and metal rod/battery
Metal rod
Worksheet to record data
There are eight steps to the procedure:
Get a 6 volt battery
Get a long or short coil depending on your trial
Get metal rod
Get paperclips
Wrap coil around metal rod (10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 times for each trial)
Take ends of coil and attach to top of battery
Take battery wrapped with coil and rod and lower it to pile of paperclips
Record findings on data sheet
Repeat steps one through eight by wrapping coil around metal rod at greater amounts
What I found in my data was that every time I wrapped the coil around the metal rod by ten, the number of paper clips counted that were picked up, increased. Something I noticed in my study was that as I increased the number of times I wrapped the coil around the rod by ten, the amount of paperclips would increase by fifteen.
My hypotheses was “if the amount of voltage (IV) is increased, then the number of paperclips (DV) will be decreasing as you pick them up”. The control group in my investigation was having no voltage in the battery. So no paperclips will be picked up. Something that might have affected the investigation are that the battery could have stopped working, there were no metal rods to use or no coils. One error that