plus a few British and French Canadians disguised as Indians. Wayne was not sure how he and his army would fight the Indians. The terrain was very wooded and hilly. Artillery such as cannons could not be used. It was difficult for the Americans since they were not accustomed to fighting in the forest.
Since cannons could not be brought easily back into the woods Wayne left cannons at Fort Deposit and Fort Defiance. Wayne was one of the first in camp to arise on August 20. Everyone had been waiting for a surprise attack from the Indians for about three days. Most of the men were tired from not having a good night of rest, they were not ready to fight. General Wayne insisted that all the soldiers wear all their uniforms. It was very hot and the soldiers had to wear, a dark blue coat, dark hat, buff breaches, and boots.
<br>At eight o'clock the rain let up and the march began. Wayne sent out the scouts far ahead to find out what they could about the terrain. Following the scouts was the advance guard, a select battalion of a Kentucky militia. The main body following the advance guard was the Legion. They carried muskets equipped with bayonets which was Wayne's favorite weapon.
<br>About nine o'clock, when almost in sight of Fort Miamis, the Americans approached the "Fallen Timbers," a place where a tornado had blown down hundreds of large hardwood trees. The Indians had taken cover in this natural
barrier. As the American advance guard came close the Indians fired a sudden musketry at them. A temporary confusion occurred. The Americans were not told to fire yet. Then Wayne's senior officer at the front Brigadier General James Wilkinson yelled to his men to fire.