Between 1939 and 1941 Hitler had already conquered ten countries.5 In his high ego, Hitler believed he could conquer Stalingrad and expand until he conquered Russia as a whole. Leading the Sixth Army into battle was General Friedrich Paulus and the Fourth Panzer Army was General Hermann Hoth.2 Hitler paid no attention to his Generals which was not to take on two tasks at a time, Hitler wanted to take Stalingrad over but also take the Caucasus.3 His Generals warned that his army was not strong enough for both …show more content…
Even though the the Russian Army were outnumbered 1,000,500 to 1,011,5004, leaving the Germans with only 5,000 remaining soldiers and loss of an entire army, they pulled through with the help of the supplies that the United States rented to them worth approximately $2,444 million. Russians called this battle “ Contemporary cannae”1 and the Germans called it Rattenkrieg which meant Rat war.1 This battle was the turning point the world needed because if the Russians would not have defeated Hitler at his own game he would have tried to continue conquering different parts of the