Wes was sent to Valley Forge Military Academy ultimately by the decisions he made at his previous school and at home. The first big decision he made before getting sent to military school was getting bad grades and not attending class. The phone class with Wes’s mom and Riverdale. “The final straw came one evening while she sat downstairs on the phone listening to me dean from Riverdale explain why they were placing me on academic and disciplinary probation. It wasn’t pretty. Bad grades, absence from classes, and an incident with a smoke bomb” (pg.87). By getting bad grades and not going to school Wes is giving up on learning. Wes was finally sent to military school after getting in trouble for giving his little sister a bloody lip. “I began…
In this quote, Wes Moore, the author, is now leading his own unit, who address him with “a coordinated ‘Yes Sergeant.’” Wes has now been at Valley Forge for three years, and Joy has noticed that he is more respectful, has better posture, and carries himself with a traditional sense of dignity and honor. Wes has internalized the moral code of military school, and thanks to the support of Captain Hill and others, now even enjoys his time there. Wes has received both academic and athletic scholarships, significantly reducing the financial load on his mother. Wes is the only sophomore on the starting squad of the Valley Forge basketball team, and colleges have already started courting him. This quote is significant because Wes Moore’s experience…
Similar to Swift, he opted for the more vivid description of injustice that was being experienced. One example from his story Battle Royal is the repeated use of a racial slur meant in a derogatory manner (Ellison 368). Also, one of the boys was purposefully tossed on to the electric rug, causing him to spasm from the electricity, but the laughter from the White men continued (Ellison 368). This act of deliberate cruelty represents the mindset of most southern Caucasian during this time period. It also represents how little respect they held for the race they considered inferior. Another uncomfortable scene includes the brutality the narrator experienced in the ring while fighting (365-366). He merely wanted to present his speech, but is now being humiliated and forced to…
In the short story, “Battle Royal”, Ralph Ellison uncovers a boy’s fight to maintain his dignity in a world of racial injustice. The first person narration portrays a naïve view of the boy’s values of what he believes is important in life that is only questioned by his grandpa’s firm conviction of dignity. On page 39, starting with paragraph 99, the text depicts the differences between the two segregated worlds of black and white.…
I think the speech had a strong overall impact and the speaker successful accomplished the purpose of the speech. The speaker made his speech very memorable and is definitely a speech that holds greart importance and should be heard by everyone. One more thing I learned from the speech I watched that I found to be very effective and interesting was the use of testimonies. I would like to be able to incorporate this type of…
The story "Battle Royal", by Ralph Ellison is about a young black man who has to overcome racial inequalities. The story opens with his grandfather dying words and leaving the family with words that stick with the main character for life. The main character, whose name in not mentioned, is very intelligent and because of this the prominent white businessmen ask him to give a speech at a hotel. Upon his arrival, the white men put him through many humiliating acts for their enjoyment. There is a boxing match and also an electric carpet, but the boy preservers through them all. At the end he is finally given a chance to deliver his speech. Although the men are being inattentive, the superintendent rewards the boy with a briefcase and a scholarship to the State College for Negroes. Through humiliation, the main character demonstrates from his grandfathers dying words what's necessary to overcome racial inequalities.…
Ellison alludes to what it was like to be a black man in America, Louis Armstrong, and Edgar Allan Poe. He grew up in a time when racism, segregation, and Jim Crow laws were in around. He constantly refers to himself as “blind” and “invisible” throughout the novel. In the eyes of Caucasians at that time, blacks were nothing and weren’t…
In the 1940s racial segregation gripped southern American life. The notion of separating blacks from whites created immense tension. Separate water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants, etc. were variables that helped keep races apart. "Jim Crow" laws in the south were intended to prevent blacks from voting. These laws, combined with the segregated educational system, instilled the sense that blacks were "separate" but not equal (174). Many people of color werent able to survive through this time period because of the actions of whites. One individual who overcame the relentless struggles was Ralph Ellison. Ellison, a famous author, depicted racial segregation in the 1940's through a fictional short story entitled "Battle Royal." Battle Royal symbolized the actions of what "other" people became accustomed to. Blacks were thought to be socially inferior and live in the shadows of whites. The idea which Ellison uses to paint "Battle Royal" consists of that when one sex or race treats another as an object or animal, both become dehumanized (174). Ellison's use of hidden meanings conveys his theme more effectively.…
In “Battle Royal,” the main character has a skewed sense of identity. Instead of embracing who he is as a black man and identifying with other black men, he tries to be a part of ‘club whitey.’ He thinks that by acting a certain way and being educated that he will have a voice in the white community, but he is wrong. He has to experience the struggle of the battle and the harassment of the white men during his speech in order to fully come to terms with his identity and find his voice. His grandfather ends up being the catalyst to finding his voice even though he doesn’t quite realize it in the beginning. Initially he views the other black men as an obstacle in his determination to give his speech, but by the end he realizes that he is one of those black men. Not realizing his true identity in the beginning makes him his own obstacle.…
Battle Royal is the first chapter in a novel called "The Invisible Man." "Ralph Ellison," who lived 1914 - 1994, based this novel on the life of a young black man, the narrator, living in the world of cruel racism. The narrator's life was a fine example of racism. The white people, in this story, are merciless and malicious. Ellison's definition of racism incorporates a high degree of cruelty; he tells how white people take pleasure in being cruel to the black folk, especially in the fight scene.…
In Ralph Ellison’s, “Battle Royal” the protagonist is the narrator and the main character. He delivers the story to the reader in the form of a first person narrative. The narrator although black perceives himself as better than those of his race. His personality and the attitudes he exudes is exceedingly confident, blatantly arrogant and prideful. The reader is aware of this elevated sense of pride by observing the narrator’s actions/interactions with others and his thoughts.…
Ralph Ellison’s short story “Battle Royal†(Ellison 278-288) is about a young African American protagonist who is so well spoken that he is invited to a prestigious hotel ballroom to present the speech he had given the night before, at his high school graduation to an all white men’s club. Instead, he asked to participate in a “Battle†against the other 9 men who were paid to come there for the evening’s entertainment. The short story is effective because it really helps the reader to understand the struggle African American men were going through for equality and identity in society throughout history. Instead of writing a story with facts about discrimination and statistics on them, he…
Slavery might end with the signing of a piece of paper, but ending racism is something different entirely. Growing up in the south as a black man surrounded by passive racism and backhanded comments, is a disastrous force to constantly push on a developing mind. “Battle Royal” is about a young black man following in what he thought was his grandfather’s footsteps. Until on his deathbed his grandfather admits the truth. He calls himself a traitor and a spy; in reference to all the kind deeds and smiles he has been giving out his entire life. This young man has been mirroring his grandfather’s actions but completely missing the meanings behind them. To confront subconscious internal conflicts within ones self, a young black man must go against his inherent reactions to his surroundings and think about the true reasons behind his actions.…
Ralph Ellison's Battle Royal provides a realistic perspective of a Negro man striving to live in a nation dominated by white supremacy. The story speaks of the conflicts between the white and blacks as well as the conflicts that arise within the narrator and himself. Battle Royal resembles a black man’s place in society, the American Dream, and the use of symbolism to convey this thought. Ellison uses symbols and imagery to engage the readers by bringing them to a time period in history where social equality frowned upon.…
Krakauer wrote that Chris McCandless was, "green, and he overestimated his resilience, but was sufficiently skilled to last for sixteen weeks on a little more than his wits and ten pounds of rice"(Krakauer 182). In this quote it seems that Krakauer thought that McCandless was well equipped with his skills, so that made moderately prepared to survive in any situation. I feel that McCandless was rather prepared, yet again he never could have been fully prepared for the unexpected. My opinion is that McCandless was vaguely aware of the struggles that he would encounter in the Alaskan wilderness such as his epiphany that "happiness is only real when shared" was realized when his body was dying of starvation. I believed that he found what he was…