Beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage and it is oldest prepared beverage in the world; the beer is third most popular after water and tea. The big two breweries that are Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad(CBMB) and Guinness Anchor
Berhad(GAB) in malaysia.
Strengths and weakness of Carlsberg Brewery Malaysia Berhad
The strengths of Carlsberg Malaysia are that brand image, strong financial position quality and distribution network. The Carlsberg Group has a long tradition for sponsorships that can be positively associated with Carlsberg brands. The Carlsberg Malaysia has financially powerful to be protected from the fluctuating fortunes of the Malaysian market.
The weakness of Carlsberg brewery is face a largely Muslim population in Malaysia so the government has used the alcoholic drinks industry as a source of revenue generation and accordingly excise hikes are large and frequent. The cost of beer brands in Carlsberg
Malaysia is getting higher, due to the consumption tax.
Strengths and weakness of Guinness Anchor Berhad
The strength of Guinness Anchor Berhad is the joint venture of the winning brands companies such Guinness, Tiger, Anchor and Heineken. In Malaysia There are five popular brands in the market which are tiger, Carlsberg, Heineken, Anchor, and Guinness. In this five brands have four is come from Guinness Anchor Berhad. Based on the pie chart below, it shows the market share for beer brewer in Malaysia. As GAB claims 59% of market share and is obviously ahead of Carlsberg, which is estimated to be at 41%.
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The weakness of Guinness Anchor Berhad and Carlsberg shared the same weaknesses which are government interference of tax control and face a largely Muslim population in
Malaysia and the government has used the alcoholic drinks industry as a source of revenue generation. 2. Financial analysis
Financial analysis
Quick assets ratio
Average collection period Inventory turnover
Gross profit margin