*Groups/Teams – same - people with complementary skills, to achieve shared purpose and are held mutually responsible. *Formal Teams – officially recognised (organisational chart) and supported by the organisation for specific purposes.
*Informal Teams- Natural or spontaneous relationship. No OC *Hierarchy – single person authority/performance responsibility.
*Self-managed teams – decisions/complete work on own. Mutually responsible. Perform various tasks.
Ingredients of a useful team
*Nature of the task -clear, unambiguous (written goals)
-complexity – more complex = more communication needed.
*What the organisation provides?
-resources, technology, structures, rewards.
*Information-various sources, access to the best information is fundamental.
*Team size - Small – more cohesive. Big – less workload, more arguments. Members share the load, size is limited as only certain range of skills for performing task.
Issues to consider in selection of people
-skill, seniority and personality.
Diversity v similarity: D – greater range of ideas, perspectives and experience. S – easier to manage relationships.
Stages in team development
*forming – initial orientation/interpersonal testing
*storming – high emotionality/conflict over task/team working.
*norming –consolidation around tasks/operating agendas.
*performing – teamwork and focused task performance (maturity, organised group, trust, open communication.)
*adjourning – disband, willing to work together again.
Norms/ Behaviours – positive (high performance)
-performance, interaction behaviour, punctuality
Cohesiveness – high (strong commitments)
-degree to which members are attracted to a team.
*Task activities – contribute to team’s purpose, performance. focus on solving problems/ accomplishing tasks.
*Maintenance activities – support the emotional life. strengthen and perpetuate the team as a social entity.
Decision-making in teams