Issue: Even with declining load, there is still a capacity gap in the BC Hydro’s forecast. BC Hydro has proposed the possibility of a Clean Capacity Call to fill this gap.
Background: The idea of a Clean Capacity Call was initially proposed by BC Hydro as a way to “give back” the $65M cut to the SOP. Over the course of the summer, CEBC has been primarily focused on the SOP cut rather than the Clean Capacity Call. CEBC has been firm on delinking the two issues.
The Clean Capacity Call could be up to 200MW, with an in-service date of 2025. This means that the Call would have to happen within the next 2 years in order for projects to be ready in time. BC Hydro has also stated that they are willing to consider a larger Clean Capacity Call as an alternative to Revelstoke 6, provided prices are lower than Revelstoke 6. …show more content…
Next Steps: CEBC will explore:
• BC Hydro’s definition of capacity.
• Support that can be provided by the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund.
• Hosting a Clean Capacity workshop in the winter.
Attachments o BC Hydro Clean Capacity Call Discussion