2. When do you use the direct and indirect approaches? Use direct approach when you can expect a positive response ( pleased or interested) or a neutral response ( indifferent to the message) ; use indirect approach when you expect a negative response ( uninterested/ disappointed / hostile) or when you expect resistance as you try to persuade people of a new idea.
3. List five barriers to communication. Different perception, language problems, physical distractions, poor listening, lack of trust, closed communication climate, different emotional states, message complexity, message competition, different status, incorrect filtering, etc….
4. Use a subordinate clause to soften the bad news. “We recognize that the delay inconvenienced you.” “South China Airlines cannot accept responsibility incurred from delayed flights.” “Although South China Airlines cannot be responsible for flight delays, we do recognize that the delay inconvenienced you.”
5. List the five elements that form a person’s credibility. Rank- e.g. Can I associate myself with someone of higher rank such as with a letter of reference?
Goodwill- e.g. Can I refer to a past relationship with the audience? Can I show them my sincere interest in providing benefits for them?
Expertise- Can I show past accomplishments and achievement? Can I associate myself with an expert?
Image- What does my audience find attractive? How would they like to be perceived by others?
Morality/ Fairness- Can I show them that we share the same moral values? Can I demonstrate that I am objective and treat people equally?
6. What should be considered when choosing a communication channel? Relationship to the audience- should it be formal?;