Nov 10, 2012. To Dr. Md. Quamruzzaman Chairman Department of ETE & EEE Southeast University, Bangladesh. Banani, Dhaka. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Sir, I am pleased to submit here with the Internship report titled “Design Development and Implementation Of Inventory Management System ” It was a great pleasure to work as an intern with such an exciting department of a renowned IT Firm. The internship report has been accomplished as per the requirement of the Southeast University and your Instructions. I have put my best effort to complete my work. I will be available to interpret any part of the report whenever you ask to do.
Thanking you Sincerely yours
Mahbubul Islam Batch 21st ID: 2009000000037 Dept. of CSE.
Mahbubul Islam
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The internship report titled ““Design Development and Implementation Of Inventory Management System” Submitted by Mahbubul Islam (ID#2009000000037) have been accepted satisfactorily in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelors of Science in Computer Science & Engineering (BSc in CSE).
Approved by
Supervisor DR. M. Quamruzzaman Chairman ETE, EEE Southeast University, Bangladesh
Co-Supervisor Kibria Hossain Director Department of Center Surface Co-Branch of The canada
Mahbubul Islam
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First of all I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Almighty God for helping me and making me able to complete this paper successfully in time.
I would like to thank my co-supervisor M M Saleheen Bhuiyan for his guidance, support, advice and innovative ideas throughout my Internship Report. I hope I will go on further with his invaluable guidance. I would also like to thank my teacher Dr. M. Quamruzzaman, Chairman, Department of ETE of Southeast University for his help, suggestions and advice during the development of this Internship Report. Finally, I wish to convey warmest thanks to my parents who have given me endless support and
References: – article about in Wikipedia – main site of – article about http:// – article about C# Mahbubul Islam Page 32