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Be careful what you wish for. You might not like what you get. Some people wish for things without thinking about the challenges that await them ahead. Such as, wishing for a promotion and then getting more tasks then they can do. Or they wish to have children when they end up with twins, which they can barely handle. Or winning the lottery and spending all the money at once and not having it when they need it the most.
I made a wish; I wish my father was out of my life. Unbelievably it came true. Not too long ago I was walking down the stairs only to see my mother crying. I asked her why she was crying, she said my father has left. I didn’t know if I should jump for joy or shed a tear.
Why would I jump for joy my parents are getting divorced. Well, he wasn’t a father figure to me. He was verbally abusive and sometimes physically abusive. I was a child with high functioning Autism, which was called Asperger’s Syndrome. He never understood it, he kept thinking that I didn’t have any problems, and that I just liked to irritate him. Which brings me to why would I shed a tear.
My mother became really depressed. My father is the money maker of our family. So without him we can’t even Financially support ourselves. My family is losing our house, which is probably the worst part of this divorce. I grew up in that house, all my life I have lived in that house.
So, before you throw a coin into fountain, before you wish upon a shooting star, before you blow dandelion seeds, before you blow away an eyelash, and before you blow out your candles on your birthday. I believe you should be careful what you wish for, you might not like what you get.
Most people say things that they do not mean. Some say “I hope you die” or “I never want to see you again.” What if it actually happened and it could not be taken back? Be careful what you wish for.
One night at a party my ex-boyfriend, John and I were arguing. It had been going