Bear Grylls camping gear can help you make the most of your outdoor exploration in the New Year. The Bear Grylls product line offers tents, backpacks, tools and knives, water bottles and tactical gear for all your camping and hiking needs. Bear Grylls gives campers an edge over their peers with inferior equipment. Your camping experience plus gear from Bear Grylls equals better outdoor adventures year-round.
Bear Grylls Camping Gear: Better Camping and Hiking Backpacks Bear Grylls has a backpack for every hike. The Bear Grylls 45L Patrol Backpack is perfect for weekend campers and skiers. It has a multi-access main compartment, padded frame, stretch side pockets and sleeping bag compartment. The hydro port lets you add a water bladder for hydration while you are in transit. For safety, there are reflective tags and logos, …show more content…
along with an emergency whistle. It has an integrated raincover and adjustable sternum and shoulder traps for easier handling during rough weather. This backpack weighs 4 pounds and contains no utensils.
You can buy a “Blowout Bundle” containing the 45L Backpack and several accessories and utensils for a complete camping experience. The Blowout Bundle for the 45L Backpack has a coffee mug, water bottle, cup and bowl plus Vapur water filters. It comes with one men’s 30 degree sleeping bag. For hunting, fishing or emergencies, there’s a Gerber Pro Fixed Blade. This Blowout Bundle weighs 10 pounds.
Bear Grylls Camping Gear: Tools and Accessories
Bear Grylls has a wide assortment of knives, tools and cooking equipment for your camping trip.
Be prepared for any task with the Coast LED145 Pocket Pliers multi tool. This tool has a scissors, saw blade, wire cutter, bottle opener, awl, LED light, knife blade and pliers all in one handy, compact implement. The LED light requires two CR1220 batteries.
Find your way around in the dark with the Coast HP21 High Performance Lumen LED Flashlight with Tactical Strobe. You can select a low of high lumen output setting, or a high-power strobe light. It has a runtime of 2 hours and 15 minutes on a high settings and 40 hours 30 minutes on a low setting. It is powered on 4 DD batteries, which are included with the package.
For a wide selection of Bear Grylls camping gear, visit Gifts For Men online at We offer backpacks with and without kitchenware and accessories. Make the most of your camping or hiking trip with backpacks from Bear Grylls and Gifts for Men. Call us at (888)