B.Tech (Mechanical & Civil Engineering) Sub:- Applied Mathematics-V Periods per Week Lecture 4 hrs Practical -Tutorial -Evaluation Scheme Trimester V Code:- AM-V
Hours Marks Theory Examination 3 50(Scaled down to 50) Test 20 Term Work/PR/Oral 30 Objective: To provide the understanding of Nature of flows/motions of different (electrical, mechanical, magnetic) field and their behavior under the influences of constraints such as poles, zeros, singularities etc. Understanding of various optimizations practically usable in industry. Prerequisite: Applied Mathematics I,II,III,IV Detailed Syllabus Unit Topics Duration (Hrs) 1 20 Complex Variables : Functions of Complex variable Analytic Function. Harmonic Functions. Line integral for a complex-valued function Cauchy’s integral theorem & Cauchy’s integral formula (without proof) Singularities & poles Taylor’s & Laurent’s series (without proof) Cauchy’s Residue theorem Evaluation of real integrals of the form C-R Condition for Analytic Conformal Transformation. Bilinear Transform. Operation Research : Linear Programming : Problem Formulation, Graphical method, Simplex Procedure Revised Simplex Method Duality, Dual Simplex Method Sensitivity Analysis Transportation & Assignment Problem Integer Programming, Cutting Plane Algorithm-B Mach & bound technique Traveling Salesman problem Total
Text Books: 1. Complex Variables & Applications, (8th edition), by Churchill, published by McGraw Hill. 2. Operation Research; V. K. Kapoor, S. Chand & Sons 3. Statistical Method; S.P.Gupta. Recommended Books: 1. G.V.Kumbhojkar: Applied Maths III, S. Chand & Co. 2. T. Veeraranjan: Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill
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3. Problems in operation
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