In today’s society, media is focusing more on healthy examples of body image, whereas in the past it was focused on the “bikini ready” body. This is because men and women are placing more importance on their overall health rather than maintaining a low body weight, and the media is finally catching on. Everyone is adopting a new health regime due to the “healthy living” craze. People see it as if they are part of a new trend. Ad companies are starting to use more realistic looking men and women to promote their products, and magazines are headlining curvaceous women whereas in the past it featured almost skeletal like women.
Currently in society, healthy living has never been more celebrated. Everyone is eating healthier and exercising, and it is impossible not to take notice. Social media has become a place for people to show off their new lifestyle whether posting pictures of themselves at the gym having a great workout, or how their new all-organic meals are both pleasing to the eye and taste buds. Sharing healthy habits through technology has become common place for people. and companies such as GE Healthcare are taking advantage of this by creating a #GetFit campaign. Now when people are practicing a healthy lifestyle they can hashtag that tag and share how they get healthy.
Recent research by McCann Truth Central involving 7,000 responses from people living in Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, China, South Africa, Turkey and Japan, showed that 74 percent of consumers believe that the importance of wellness is only going to increase as time goes on. Wellness is now seen as being more holistic. The report also shows that the majority of people (57 percent) want support in their healthy living goals. (Angela Dunn, 2013) Now also getting a piece of the action are phone companies, by creating app’s that give you healthy new recipes to try, and workout routines targeting different points of the body.
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