Madame de Villeneuve
Story Length: 26 pages
Read-Aloud Time: About 52 minutes
◆ About the Story
◆ About the Author
While returning home to his family, a merchant
Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de
plucks a rose from a garden and is confronted by
Villeneuve, born in Paris in 1695, is
the Beast, who demands that the merchant send
considered to be the original author of
him one of his daughters in payment for his
the tale known as “Beauty and the
theft. As the rose was meant to be a gift for his
Beast.” The story was drawn from fairy
daughter Beauty, she volunteers to go to the
tales and folklore, and was first
Beast. Once she arrives in the Beast’s castle, she
published in 1740. The original book
begins to have a recurrent dream in which a
was 362 pages long, but it was later
handsome prince beckons her. She wonders who
abridged and republished by Jeanne-
he is, and what his connection is to the Beast.
Marie Leprince de Beaumont.
Beauty’s questions are answered when she learns not to trust appearances.
Copyright © 2011 by The Great Books Foundation
35 E. Wacker Drive, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60601 “Little you know what this rose has cost.”
Madame de Villeneuve
nce upon a time, in a far-off country, there lived a merchant who had been so fortunate in all his undertakings that he was enormously rich. As he had six sons and six daughters, however, who were accustomed to having everything they fancied, he did not find he had a penny too much. But misfortunes befell them.
One day their house caught fire and speedily burned to the ground, with all the splendid furniture, books, pictures, gold, silver, and precious goods it contained.
The father suddenly lost every ship he had upon the sea, either by dint of pirates, shipwreck, or fire. Then he heard that his clerks in distant countries, whom he had trusted entirely, had proved unfaithful. And at last from great wealth he fell into the