The film was well organized, and was changed from the original story. It all began as a short novel and later on was written differently by many people, but the original novel’s writer is unknown, but Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot De Villeneuve wrote “La Belle et le Bete” and didn’t make a lot of changes to the original. It’s about a peasant that had 5 brothers and sisters, her name …show more content…
was Belle, meaning Beauty she was a smart girl who got trapped in the castle after the beast had caught her father stealing a rose, that part still being the same as in the movie, but the beast had requested her father to exchange himself with one of his daughters in order for him to live, and Belle’s sisters were narrow-minded and so Belle agreed to, and was then kept in the cell, instead of materialistic things talking to her, there were monkeys who accompanied her around the castle. Beast wasn’t at all rude to her, instead knew that she needed to love him for the spell to break so everything could go back to normal. The power in real life that we see in politics can be portrayed in the film, as Beast having power over the peasants because he is a prince and we can see this happening when the beast demands for a punishment for Belle’s father for stealing a rose from his garden.
From the beginning of the film the first song, “Belle” by Howard E. Ashman and Alan Menken, gave out the message of letting the audience know that it is okay to be different, people from the village telling her how spacey and peculiar she was for reading. This point that was being made in the early 90’s by a girl as a courageous, and adventurous as Belle, made an impact on teen girls mostly because of the independence that woman wanted to have at the time.
The target being young kids for this film, may help them teach the importance of caring for one another as Belle did with Beast, she saw more than just a beast. Frightened of him at first, but overlooking that; Although in the film, there is a part where the beast scares off wolves to save Belle and that is where he is at the most beast-like mode is where the audience sees the other side, the scary side of the beast.
The main characters in this film who were Belle and the Beast were completely opposite of each other and it made the film a lot more interesting than the classical fairy tale love movie with the princesses falling in love with a prince.
The beast wasn’t the usual prince that had the love of parents, instead his servants were the only people who loved him because they saw him grow. Gaston, who was the person in love with Belle wasn’t a prince instead was a soldier, he is a self-important character who will do anything he can in his power to make people believe what he wants. The characters in this movie were realistic and appropriate.
Happy endings are the endings the viewers expect, and for classical fairy tales like “The Beauty and the Beast”, we will always have them. Some films are made just for entertainment, while others carry messages that will make the audience view a situation differently. In all, this film taught young people to not be ashamed to be different, to love beyond the surface and to respect one another for who we