May 2013, Vol. 3, No. 5
ISSN: 2222-6990
The Effects of Entrepreneurial Marketing Practices on the Growth of Hair Salons:
A Case Study of Hair Salons in Kiambu Township
Hannah Wambui Mwangi
B.Ed University Of Nairobi, Msc In Entrepreneurship Jommokenyatta University Of Agricuture
And Technology
Currently Teaching At Loreto High School ,Nairobi, Kenya
Professor Henry Bwisa
Jommokenyatta university of Agricuture And Technollogy, Nairobi Kenya
The purpose of the study was to assess the role of EM on the growth of the Hair Salons in
Kiambu. Growth in any MSE is important, bearing in mind the high level of competition within the industry. Growth was the dependent variable while the independent variable relationship marketing .The general objective of this study was to assess the level of entrepreneurial marketing among the Hair Salons owners in Kiambu Township. The study sought to establish how the Hair Salons ' owners were marketing their Hair Salons and the role the EM played in the growth of the Hair Salons within Kiambu Town.
The target population of the study was the Hair Salons owners and their clients. Simple random sampling method was used as a technique of collecting the data. The goal was to achieve the desired representation from the population. Those who were interviewed were the Hair Salons owners their client so as to get the desired report. A total of about 30 Hair Salons and client in every Hair Salons were taken as the sample population.
The research design adopted was descriptive research. It attempts to describe such things as possible behavior attitude values and characteristics. Data was collected using interview method so as to get detailed data which was not possible to get using questionnaire. Structured questions were also used because they were easier to analyzing since they were in an immediate usable form. A pilot study was done
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