Dehr/ Huffman
ENG W131-46
Final Draft Rhetorical Analysis
Because Freedom Can’t Protect Itself
ACLU’s website is very large and a reader would probably only come across it if he or she was on a search for specific information. The website is built mostly off of their credibility. The main point made by the website is that the reader has to protect his freedom, someone has to take a stand. ACLU builds up much of their credibility, and through articles and blog posts they try to gain support. Many of their articles are argumentative and informational as a way to gain support for their cause.
When searching a popular, controversial topic ACLU will most likely pop up on the first page of one’s search results. When doing a search about “drug testing in the workplace” ACLU came up second with a link to the article, “Privacy in America: Workplace Drug Testing.” The ACLU’s concerns and values can be summarized by going to the bottom of any page on their website. The headers of links at the bottom of the page give away what topics they’re working with such as Human Rights, Immigrants’ Rights, LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) Rights, and Racial Justice. When using a search engine to search for any topic in these categories ACLU usually comes up on the first page of websites. ACLU comes up at least fourth or fifth most of the time when searching topics they are working with. This gives them more credibility because it tells the reader that this website is popular among many readers or that it is visited quite often.
“Because Freedom Can’t Protect Itself,” and the page logo are the first things a reader sees on the website because they are placed at the very top in darker shades of blue. These two things give the reader an idea of who is behind this website. The logo says, “ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union,” and the Statue of Liberty is featured in the top left corner of the logo. The name of this group has been made very