”She smelled of soap and gorse flowers, of sunlight and bracken and earth, things living, things dying, things continuing in the same way”. These are the lines which end “Because It Is Running By” written by Jo Lloyd in 2009. In few words the last part of the extract summits the situation of the main character Wil and what the author wishes to criticize. While times go by and things live and die, his social background ties him to the spot where he was born, and he is forced to be the onlooker as things continue in the same way time after time.
”Because It Is Running By” is told by a 3rd person narrator with a limited omniscient point of view starting from the main character Wil. The action takes place during a summer beginning, in medias res, with Edie’s arrival and ending with her impending departure. The story is chronological but there are several flashbacks woven into the story.
The scene is laid in a small, isolated, rural society in England where Wil and his mother live in great poverty. Through time their property has been decreased, and at the time when the story takes place their home is reduced to the kitchen area, and their further possessions comprise a caravan and a couple of fields. The meagre conditions Wil and his mother live with influence the atmosphere which is marked by indifference, triviality and bitterness. Literary this atmosphere finds expression in the fact that the characters constantly are in possession of a cigarette although they lost their husband and father to throat cancer.
The action moves around the relationship between Edie and Wil. Through their actions and dialogue the reader forms an idea of the character’s personality and their dreams and defeats. The meaningless atmosphere seems to have an influence on the couple as well. In their approaches to each other they go to great lengths not to seem interested in one another. ll. 77-79 on page 4 express this fact: “ Some mates of mine are