Pete Garcia
BUS644: Operations Management
October 26, 2014 Dr.: Gail Hoskyns-Long
Ashford University
Beck Manufacturing & Plant Capacity
In this paper, we will focus on the case study, which discusses about the plant capacity and Beck Manufacturing. In addition, after reading the case study it becomes evident that we need to help Beck’s Manufacturing, president in making the best decision possible in regards to determining his facilities capacity. Therefore, we need to note that Beck’s Manufacturing is a major producer of steering gears in the auto industry. Nevertheless, we also need to know how the manufacturing process is being done, thus allowing us to answer and identify our case study questions. Thus, first, we must calculate both the capacity of the system, along with the capacity of each machine. Second, identify any alternative measures where, Beck can expand his capacity initiatives, in order to gain a positive capacity gain, without causing another bottleneck incident in the operations side. Third, establishing a strategy where Mr. Beck does not have to buy more equipment in order to increase his capacity. Furthermore, let us answer these fundamental questions, while helping Mr. Beck feel confident in his new strategies to incorporate to Beck Manufacturing.
In accordance, to our text, in order to be able to identify each machines center, along with calculating the system using the detailed data provided, we must connect other key factors before coming to any conclusions. Beck’s Manufacturing includes assembling, drilling, milling, grinding and boring. Thus, we also need to know that each type of machine requires each finished product to adhere to one operation. Another, important key is knowing that each facility has a two 8-hour shifts per day, but this doesn’t include a maintenance shift which is postponed to in the third shift. “Capacity is a measure of an