My father’s journey has encouraged me to pursue my own dream. I aspire to one day become either a natural pediatrician, dermatologist, or a Christian psychologist. When I tell people what I hope to do in the future, people usually say, “ Oh my! Well that is a lot of schooling!” However, to me I am willing to be persistent and persevere through schooling just like my dad if this is God’s plan for my life. Through God’s strength in my life, I believe my drive to be someone great is what makes me different. Grand Canyon University will be a great benefit for my future aspirations.
I would love to attend a University where I can be taught from a Biblical perspective. This is especially crucial if I choose to become a Christian psychologist. Grand Canyon also has great programs for my other career aspirations as well. If I take the medical path in becoming a pediatrician, GCU will help prepare me in that field as well as showing the great wonders of the human body with a Biblical perspective. Attending school in a Christian friendly environment will help me grow in my faith as a believer and encourage me to surround myself around God-fearing people. I strongly believe that Grand Canyon University will make a great fit that will create and shape a future for my