I've gotten better at writing articles, and getting them accepted, I've generally known when my articles aren't going to get accepted, but sometimes I send them in anyways. There are a few things that I've learned from college that I apply to my writing here, and a couple things I've picked up from myself, being a bit observant of my own habits. Get a writing buddy: Generally you can keep your same level of productivity while you have a writing buddy, but sometimes they can distract you. But if you're both working hard, you can thrive off each others achievements while you're writing. For instance, if you're both writing for the AC, you both feel better each time one of you gets an article submitted or accepted. Write about what you like: Generally when I need ideas for writing, I look around my room to help spark my mind as to what I know. My greatest source of inspiration came when I realized that I had a huge wealth of information about high school weightlifting in my head that I could write about all day, and I did! Take a quick peek at your bookshelf, that's the first place I look when hunting for ideas. You'll enjoy writing about what you know and how fast you're getting your writing done. Keep comfortable: Look around at your writing area and think about what you can do to keep the area as comfortable as possible for yourself. I wrote an article about keeping …show more content…
I've never written articles for pay before, but I have been writing for college for a few years now, and I picked up some things that work well for me when I'm trying to write for a deadline that help keep my writing environment productive and comfortable. After a few painful instances of trial and error, here are a few things I always do when I'm writing. Listen to music: When you really get into your writing you won't notice your music playing, but trust me, if your music isn't playing, you'll notice. Something about the music keeps me focused, because when things get absolutely silent, I lose focus and realize how quiet it is. I'm so used to noise going on that I'll often put on a TV show while I write, but music seems to be the best for when you've gotta get down to business. Get a comfortable chair: If your chair isn't comfortable, you're not gonna be writing at your best. Even if you don't notice at first, your writing will be affected eventually, keeping you from writing as much and as long as possible. You'll have to take more breaks than you plan to, and you'll be distracted when you come back to that chair. Make sure your lower back can get support, and drag up a recliner if you have to. Wear comfortable clothes: If you're wearing something that may be a little too tight, or hot, or cold, or anything but