Tenosha Wilmer
Feb. 1,2016
Electricians Wires, lights, and more wires, is the average thought of many people when the job electrician is spoken upon them. In Electricianing I will be taking on an adventure farther than lights and wires. Being an electrician, I have to face a lot of interest, journeys, and obstruction. Electricianing is not just one field base, there are multi sub-fields. Allowing me to branch out, explore and discover the field I accord to . When electrical installment was discovered, many specialized in the field. It was discovered in the 19th century, electrical technology expanded wilding. In that period lighting was the most popular.Organizations were not a major issue in the 19th century. …show more content…
From the reading above containing education major part of this career. But there are other obstacles I will run into such as collaboration. Collaboration involve working with others. Which is not really my strong field. These others will have different perspectives on how to approach the task given to the group. I may have to interpret very good communication skills meaning not only would the I be talking but also need to know how to listen and understand the other colleagues …show more content…
I am one who considered it important. The benefit of not having a boring job. As an electrician I may travel all over to many places, as some people do enjoy that. The career is an hand on job, which is really what interest me. This job involves creative thinking and problem solving. Benefiting those who like to be challenged. I also have the choice of working in a big organization or small organization. Mainly, which will be me owning little business. This benefit basically brings out and show the freedom that comes with this occupation. Insurance is another important benefit of this job. Insurance is fully paid for me as the employer. This give some confidence to the family knowing their loved one is cover. This occupation may be fun but it can be dangerous at the same time. I will also receive retirement insurance. Basically I would be covered on & off the