Environmental engineering is a field related to direct application of science and engineering principles to the environment in which animals, humans and plants are living. An environmental engineer as a professional is concerned to protect the environment from deterioration; he is also concerned with the preservation of resources including plants, fuels, and fossils which can generate energy for human use. The primary task of an environmental engineer is to provide maximum protection to the environment by protecting public health, preserving the current condition of water, plants and other resources, and improving the present condition of these resources. These tasks can be achieved by technological applications in the fields of air quality management, water supply and treatment, and environmental impacts measurement and mitigation. For this purpose, an environmental engineering course is designed to prepare a graduate with necessary skills and abilities in the environmental technology area, so that he can turn out to be a good protector of the environment. Today, many highly qualified and intelligent people are working in this field, but Able Wolman is the biggest source of inspiration for many people who intend to play their role in environmental preservation. His work in the field of water purification and sanitary engineering is still a good source of information for students, as he is supposed to be a pioneer in this field. Able Wolman was born in Baltimore, Maryland in June, 1892 and died in Feb, 1989; he worked tremendously for clean and healthy water supply for citizens in his area. Each and every human being needs water to sustain life; the role of environmental engineer in providing citizens with clean and healthy drinking water is of substantial importance. Abel Wolman was the most valuable leader in the field of sanitary engineering, which has now evolved as ‘environmental engineering’. His work for water safety
Cited: National Academy of engineering, 1979, Memorial Tributes, National Academies. WHO, 1997, World’s health, the magazine of world health organization, WHO.