The bee movie is an animated fiction created by Dreamworks who have famously produced many other films such as shrek 2, Antz, and many other animated films, however they are also well known for films such as the ring and transformers. The aim of this poster is to initially attract the target audience to watch it in cinemas. This movie poster stands out of the normal everyday posters seen around. The colors, the images and the writing all suggest ideologies and values that are tried to be represented within the poster itself.
Firstly the color scheme suggests a lot about the narrative of the film. The fundamental colors used are black, white, orange and yellow. These are most likely used because they tend to stand out once they overlap. The black is very sharp and bright alongside the bright white background so it makes the written information stand out. Apart from this the colors are able to represent the film through the poster. As this is a still image it can almost make a first impression to the audience of the film. The film is represented as fun and bold. The connotations behind the use of the color yellow are very diverse but the main reason why yellow was used as part of the color scheme is the fact that the narrative follows the lives of bees. As Bees are usually yellow and black these colors are represented on the poster making it clear what the film is about, even though the main image would have possibly been able to convey this itself. The storyline can be left to the audience’s imagine as the poster should act as a basis of their imagination. The film is about the life of bees and as the colors are so bright they make sure this is conveyed clearly especially to the younger audience.The background is very plain, using a washed out yellow, to correspond with the bee and so that focal point is still the image and title.
In addition to this, the copy on the poster is able to stand out, but the words also hold meaning. Renee Zellweger and