ENR 4000
October 5, 2017
Assignment #2 In assignment one I wrote about how pollinating bee populations were declining around the world and the solutions that can prevent this from happening. Addressing this issue can be very difficult. Not only are humans causing this problem but the bee population has a disease that is destroying the colonies. Currently there really isn’t a policy in place to regulate the problem but there are informal efforts that are being put into place by the federal government and other agencies. These efforts include providing millions of dollars for research to find a solution for the disease, restoring acres of land for habitat and increasing studies on the use of pesticides. I feel that most people …show more content…
Along with reclaiming land they are wanting to make bee-friendly landscaping on the lands of the following agencies: Department of Interior, Housing and Urban Development and Department of Transportation. One plan to achieve this mission is to restore around 7 million acres of land and plant flowers that are beneficial to the bees. 1 Another mission is to ban the usage of the widely used pesticide called neonicotinoid. So far, they have been banned in Europe and the next step is the United States. With having the funds to spend on research and safety of pesticides, scientist will see how they affect the digestion tract of the bee and hopefully find a way to still produce a pesticide to help with farmers but at the same stop killing bees off. Some disadvantages of the ideas are that it can cost a lot to find a solution that may not work. I say this because like humans we become immune to certain things. In the bees, they could become immune to the solution and then the pesticide would continue to kill them. The solution is something that is not permeant. An advantage to these ideas is that bees will start being saved. When the bees are saved then our livelihood is secured. Also from these ideas people will become more understanding that whatever they put into the environment stays in the environment for a long