Beetroot samples: The same size beetroots will be used throughout the experiment this is to ensure that the impact of the temperature on every sample will stay the same, i.e. if having a bigger beetroot sample less pigments will be released into the test tube at lower temperature, or having a smaller beetroot sample more pigment will be released into the test tube. This error will change the results of the experiment at large. Therefore it is important to insure the sample sizes are the same.
Temperature: As temperature will affect the beetroot cell membrane, I will keep the temperature constant throughout the experiment by using a water bath and measuring the desired temperature using a thermometer.
PH: I will make sure that the pH is stable (constant) and only the temperature varies this is to be done by using buffer in every test tube so as to maintain pH balance for each beetroot sample and insure that pH does not become a variable. PH is important for maintaining the integrity of the cell membrane as integral proteins can denature upon change in pH. Also, presumably the buffer will have the right concentrations of salt or electrolyte's (ion such as Na, K, Ca, etc.)- that is, the solution and the beetroot cells must be isotonic, so the buffer must be used for each trial-to ensure that the beetroot cell doesn't lyse due to being placed in hypotonic solution
Additional controls
Time: Amount of time beetroot sample remains in a test tube must remain the same for each trial
Cutting Beetroot: Results could be affected by pigment released due to cutting of beetroot, so wash of initial pigment (excess juice) at the start.
Safety goggles
Water Bath
3 250ml beakers
19 test tubes (9 in water bath, 9 for when needed for colorimeter and so does not contain specimen, and 1 for resetting the colorimeter).
10ml measuring cylinder
10mm cork borer
Test tube