Dr. Barker
IDC 301-03
Scene Analysis 1
Before Sunset
I chose a scene towards the ending where Jesse and Celine arrive at her apartment after an eventful, therapeutic car ride. Throughout the movie there is this ongoing reconnection and “catching up” the two characters have about their lives over the last nine years. In the chosen scene, a change of pace in terms of dialogue, scenery, and behavior can be seen.
Once Jesse and Celine are out of the car, they make their first true physical contact. An embracing hug is given by Celine to verify that Jesse will not in fact “dissolve into a million molecules” with a single touch. Jesse verbally confirms the underlying desire that he wishes he was in Paris with her by stating, “I like being here.” In the car ride he reveals how unhappy he is with his marriage and over the last nine years he constantly dreams and reminisces about Celine. When he makes the comment about liking being “here” it has various meanings. He literally is answering to the fact that he is happy he hasn’t dissolved into molecules but he is really expressing that he is happy he’s in Paris and with Celine.
As they continue on to her apartment down the road, Jesse observes the scenery and is amazed of where Celine lives. This is only the second time in the film that the camera zooms out enough to show all of their surroundings; first time showing Notre Dame on the boat ride. The camera shoots from behind them for a brief moment to show the area from their viewpoint. The director could have done a similar shot while they were walking through the park in the beginning of the film but the focus was on their conversation and not to be on the scenery at that moment in the film. The two begin to approach Celine’s cat in the courtyard, a metaphor for Jesse’s life can be seen. Celine’s makes the point that every morning she brings the cat to the courtyard and every morning it embraces its surroundings as if it was the first time it had