This target behavior and intervention will be done in a weekly format. The Baseline will consist of 4 week period were the number of drinks per week will be calculated and assessed.…
Option B: Utilize operant conditioning techniques to develop a strategy for changing the behavior of the client. Be specific in identifying the reinforcement for the unwanted behavior and the method(s) of reinforcement you will use. Your response should also indicate the most likely cause of this disorder from a behaviorist perspective. Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize one peer-reviewed source which was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Indicate in your post which option you are responding to.…
Describe the goal as target behaviors. What specific behaviors do you want to increase or decrease?…
Next a plan will be created for implementing a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) for each student. The plan will include: 1) replacement behaviors (What are the positive behaviors that will replace the negative ones? How will they be taught?), 2) proactive strategies (What strategies will be implemented to encourage alternative replacement behaviors? What accommodations or modifications will be used (seating, calm down room, etc)?), 3) reactive strategies (What strategies will be implemented to reduce reoccurrence of problem behaviors (prompting, loss of points, de-escalation strategies)?), 4) progress monitoring (How will this be done to ensure effectiveness of behavior plan? Who will collect data? How often will data be collected? How and…
Behavior Intervention Plan Student: _John Smith____________ Grade: 5th____ School: Grand Canyon Elementary_____ Date Developed: _____________________ Date of Implementation: _____________________ Base Line Data Results: Hypothesis Statement: Person(s) Responsible for Implementing Plan: Behavior of Concern Behavior Defined Intervention Goal: Behavior Intervention Plan-page 2 Intervention Plan 1. 2. 3. 4.…
Mrs. Blockhouse, the principal at Bertha Barber Elementary School, called the offices of “Hope Is Here” with a request for an intervention plan. Bertha Barber has an 8 year old, Caucasian boy, named David, with whom teachers and aides have described as having “aggressive and disruptive” behaviors. Aggressive behavior is behavior that causes physical or emotional harm to others, or threatens to (Gabbey, 2013). Disruptive behavior is defined as behaviors that hamper the ability of instructors to teach and students to learn (Disruptive Classroom Behaviors, n.d.). These behaviors have been on going for 6 months. David was an ideal…
In this part of your assignment you will journal for three weeks or 5 weeks and will do an assessment of the behavior change process. When you journal for three weeks or five weeks you should have a minimum of three (3) to five (5) entries per week. Please answer all questions at the end of this assignment.…
1. The term health promotion is defined as: a planned action to help others improve their health. It involves political, educational, environmental, actions that support individuals, groups, and communities. The overall goal of health promoters is to improve the quality of life for everyone. They believe that quality of life and health status are linked, and if health status improves quality of life improves as well.…
P2. Explain two models of behaviour change that have been used in recent national health educaton campaigns.…
When supporting positive behaviour there is lots of different approaches, most practitioners find they need to draw on several of these:…
Technique: The way that you floss can have an effect on the overall effectiveness of your action. Be sure to pull your floss around the entire tooth as you go. Make sure that you work the floss between the teeth and the gumline. This is a common area for bacteria to form.…
B. we can now begin to strengthen the things about ourselves that can be changed…
In my self-directed behavioral change project, I encountered a lot of difficult challenges and obstacles in reaching my ultimate goal: a better night’s sleep. My goals for this behavioral change project were to establish a proper sleep and bedtime regimen, getting a full-night’s rest and ultimately feeling more alert and energetic through the day. My main goals were to improve my sleep cycle/regimen by getting the necessary eight hours of sleep I need every night and waking up in the morning feeling fully rested and not sleepy, tired, or groggy at all. This is what I set out to do and I recorded all the times I went to bed, times I’d fall asleep, times I’d wake up in the middle of the night, and times I’d wake up next morning. I recorded all of my observations and occurrences for two weeks and noticed some positive change in my bed-time pattern. I was able to get the necessary eight hours of sleep every night and felt a difference the next day.…
I choose for my behavior change project not to eat fast food more than once a week. As an athlete, it is very important for me to have a good nutrition. But on the other side, as a human being it is tough to make always the right decision and just to eat healthy food. It was the only behavior change I could think about because I normally live very healthy. I do a lot of sports, my weight is perfect, and I also do not have any other health problems. I designed my project to limit fast food to once a week. I think it is a reasonable decision, as a balanced nutrition can handle bad input once a week. Also, I do not want to miss the taste of a good burger or some hot wings.…
Regression. Client continues to have behaviors in her school setting which resulted in her hours being increased.…