Yatta: In our last discussion you indicated that Lea was engaging in skin picking and you stated that you wanted it eliminated completely.
K-Love: Yes.
Yatta: In our last meeting also, we stated that we wanted for Lea to eliminate skin picking by 90% and be able to engage in social interaction by 80%.
K-Love: Yes.
Yatta: Please show me the data collected last week on Lea’s skin picking.
K-Love: Sure. Here are the data sheets that you send to me via email. I printed it out and collected data. However, I tried to input it on a spreadsheet and I hope you don’t mind.
Yatta: Not at all. Base on this data, it seems like she had a rough three days when the intervention was implemented?
K-Love: Yes, I was a little …show more content…
In extinction burst, the reinforcement that previously reinforced the skin picking was discontinued. In Lea’s case, she used to get away with skin picking and social avoidance in a form of escape.
K-Love: Based on the intervention thus far, I see a lot of positive improvement with skin picking and social avoidance. The first three days was a little rough, however, on day four, her skin picking started to decreasing and she was asking to leave the area more. As the week progresses, she started to request to leave the area less and she engaged in three social interaction on day 4 day with a stranger
Yatta: That sounds great. Please elaborate on this incident with the social …show more content…
K-Love: Sure.
Yatta: Do you feel that the intervention is responsible for the change in Lea’s behavior?
K-Love: Yes. I have seen tremendous change in Lea’s behavior since I started the intervention.
Yatta: I am pleased you feel that way.
3. Establish sources of external validity (findings have generality to other subjects, settings, and/or behaviors) bearing on the evaluation of plan effectiveness
Yatta: As I have indicated, the basic plan that we used with Lea has been applied many times, in your opinion would the plan work with other children with similar issue?
K-Love: Definitely and depending on the correct implementation of the plan.
4. Establish post-implementation strategies and recording procedures
Yatta: We need to think about things that can be done to make sure that Lea is not engaging in skin picking.
K-Love: Sure.
Yatta: It might be useful to replace social reinforcement with tangible reinforcement for activities other than engaging in skin picking.
K-Love: I think it’s a great idea because she has wanting to go out a lot