Making sure to apply consequences, when students break the rules and follow a behavior plan when needed.Student’s behavior can affect their academic performance and will be noted in the IEP. A Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA) is led and written up by a team. The behavior intervention plan (BIP) is written up with descriptions and documentation. The teacher is responsible for identifying which behavior has the most impact on the student’s progress. Making sure to describe the behavior in an operational way that will make it easy for the team to complete the functional behavior plan. The FBA will identify the target behavior operationally and the antecedent conditions. It should describe the consequences, which the FBA will be used to reinforce the behavior. Having a consequence will help choose a replacement behavior. This can impact learning having a plan BIP will help with target behaviors, specific, measurable goals, intervention descriptions and methods. The person is responsive for each part of the intervention and evaluation, as well as the data from evaluation. Intervention can prevent behavior from getting out of control and can avoid a lot of work as well as possibly needing to call another IEP …show more content…
Learning how to teach the student how to meet their needs without disrupting the other students in class.The circle of courage is not a set of rule or strategy like the positive behavior supports in teaching social obligation and self-awareness. It is shifting perceptions and expectations than it does with creating rules and strategies. Helping the students reach their full potential and having a high standards of accountability. Establishing a positive relationship with the student. Brain friendly learning, which reverses patterns of failure. The courage to show the student you care, by showing value to those who are self-centered and lacking purpose.Metacognitive knowledge is a student’s knowledge or beliefs about the factors that control the cognitive process. Three types are direct instruction, teacher modeling, and application. Direct instruction is when the teacher gives a clear explanation about the strategies to be taught, why they are important and when it will be used. Having the student say what they are thinking uses the think out loud strategy. The application is when students do independent work and the teacher gives feedback. One thing I think I will need assistance in is having difficulty in imaging a work goal and stating the steps