Tammi Ledbetter
A behavior management plan is crucial in a classroom setting. Providing students with copies of rules, expectations and consequences is the first step to a solid foundation to ensure an effective learning environment.
Alyssa is a student in Mrs. Johnson 8th grade science class. Mrs. Johnson has worked hard to get Alyssa to stay on task. She often doodles and stares into space not putting in much effort. At the beginning of the school year Mrs. Jonson stood at the entrance of her class room and passed out a copy of the classroom rules. Alyssa like the other students copied the rules on a sheet of paper to keep on their desk. She is not following the rules and now the teacher must reinforce the rules in different steps. …show more content…
First step, Alyssa is breaking rule three, “Stay on task at all times”.
The teacher should refer back to the rules. Starting from number one say the rules of the classroom all together and ask how they can follow them, in between rules. A classroom discussion will take the attention off of the student. Having a discussion on rules will let the students know that the teacher means business. 1.) Teach- you state, explain, and demonstrate the procedures. 2.) Rehearse- The students practice the procedure under supervision. 3.) Reinforce- you reteach the procedures have students rehearse it and keep repeating it until student follow automatically (Wong’s p.123). I want the rules to stay fresh on their minds so there’s no room for error. The teacher should continue to re sight the rules daily until they are learned and the class is improving. If Alyssa is still having trouble staying on task after the indirect warning the teacher must move to the next
Next, Move the student closer to the front of the classroom. Placing unmotivated students in the front allows you to frequently observe what they are doing and to remind them to stay on task (Lesson Plans 2007-2012). Moving Alyssa away from the rest of the class will not make since to her because she’s not a distraction; the move is for the teacher to better evaluate the situation. Is Alyssa not doing the work because she doesn’t understand? Or she is being defiant? Those are some of the reasons for the move. The student has easy access to the teacher just in case she has any problems that she may lead her to feel embarrassed about getting the help she needs. The teacher can notice her stuck on a problem and can step in without her asking. Setting limits and boundaries in the classroom defines acceptable behavior and unacceptable behavior. Therefore if the student is still not following the rules unacceptable behavior will not be ignored.
Finally, moving Alyssa to the front of the class did not help her on stay task so now she has been assigned to lunch detention. The teacher will assign her to a computer to start an assessment quiz and encourage her to begin. After the assessment is complete the teacher will look over the scores. ” Educational assessment seeks to determine how well students are learning and is an integral part of the quest for improved education. It provides feedback to students, educators, parents, policy makers, and the public about the effectiveness of educational services”. -Knowing what students Know: (Chudowsky p.1) The results should identify the areas that need the most attention. The test results prove the reasons why Alyssa stares off into space and doddles on her work sheets. She doesn’t understand the work. Teacher’s responsibility is to notify the parents explaining the results of the assessment and plan of action. A plan of action will notate if the student is able to get outside help from other resources. In this case she is eligible for an educational interventionist. Providing an interventionist will offer service to families and the student. They will point out any at risk of develop or handicap condition or other special need that may affect student development. Having the interventionist come in and spend one on one time will help the student comprehend better in the near future. An interventionist will provide aid so that Alyssa can better understand the assignments and give moral support. Parents will receive written notification in a form of letter providing the score in details including strengths and weaknesses. Parents will also receive a letter welcoming the child into the early interventionist program. The student will have her own personal aid three days out of the week to ensure progress. Along with the letters, the teacher will provide learning websites and work books home so parents can help at home.
A behavior management plan is valuable to every classroom that wants to function effectively. In order to build a behavior free environment it starts from the beginning of the school year. Rules of the class should be powerful and teachers must follow through with penalties. Practice rules making it a part of your daily schedule. Providing students with available resources will eliminate the students from not doing the school work. Teachers have to remain focus on the students and finding the root to the problem. Keeping parents involved and up to date with their child’s behavioral progress in the classroom is fundamental to behavior management. Keep in mind the parents are a part of the building process of effective leaning. Teachers, parents and school staff are the driving force students need to become good citizens and achieve goals.
Building Classroom Discipline Eleventh Edition, By C.M. Charles 2014