Teachers should think about this. If a child keeps committing an undesired behavior and the teacher tries and tries but the child persist with the undesired behavior there is an underlying reinforcer the teacher is not seeing. This is relatable to my previous point, children are different. Taking away points, changing colors, or giving children a frowny face doesn’t work for them all. This exposes one of the many flaws of punishment and reward systems in the classroom. Positive reinforcement is what makes most sense to use in a classroom however, negative reinforcement is used more frequently because it is easier. Positive reinforcement allows the child to lead themselves to a new behavior. Now, this may not be good in all cases but it has a better long term effect than negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement takes care of the problem but does not teach anything. Positive reinforcement can be a better learning tool. Generally, positive reinforcement can help children to learn desirable ways to behave rather than just avoiding it. Avoiding and taking away from something never really fixes the …show more content…
To reprimand is to express your disproval. A teacher an express complete disproval without putting fear and hurt into the child. We discussed reprimands in my guidance class last week. Like our book says you should be calm and soft spoken and never reprimand a child in from of the class. Yelling doesn’t get they point across any better and neither do humiliating the child in front of everyone. Another thing the teacher should do is to get on the child’s level, don’t tower over them. Reprimands should be an opportunity to work with the child. Allow them to express what they did wrong and why. Ask them how they could do better next