This assignment will reflect on psychological theories which impact on behaviour. Becker’s (1974) Health Belief Model and DiClemente and Prochaska’s (1983) Behaviour Change Cycle will be discussed in relation to the role of Health Visitors in promoting health and changing behaviours. The standards of proficiency for Specialist Community Public Health Nurses states, that one of the ten key principles of public health practices is working with communities to improve their health and wellbeing (Nursing and Midwifery Council 2004). The relevance and application of behaviour change techniques in the health visiting practice will be discussed. Changing behaviour can have a major impact on some of the largest causes of mortality and morbidity (National Institute for Clinical Excellence 2007). In addition to this behaviour change can play a great part in reducing health inequalities in our society as described by Marmot (2010) in Fair Society, Healthy Lives.
It is a vital part of a Health Visitors role in changing behaviours of families to carry out their roles as public health practitioner. Five different approaches to health education are described by Ewles and Simnet (1985); as Medical – the promotion of medical interventions to prevent ill health, Behaviour change to encourage the adoption of a healthier lifestyle, Educational- provision of information to underpin decision making, Client directed – working with clients own identified health priorities and The Social – change approach involving political or social transformations to alter the environment.
Nation institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE (2007)) defines behaviour as the product of individual human actions, seen within and influenced by their situation including structural, social and economic circumstances. Changing individual ‘social and economic context may be difficult and altering the genetic predispositions to disease is impossible, therefore changing an individual’s