As our study period coincided with the…… of Common Indian Crow (Corvus splendens). We decided to study the breeding & feeding related behavior of crow. Following were my main objective
a) Breeding Behaviors
Specific nesting patterns / nest attendance & protections etc.
b) Feeding related behavior
Materials & Methods:
The breeding period of Common Indian Crow (Corvus splendens) ranges from March – April to July – Aug, but the peak period varies locally. My study period extended from January to July.
A. For objective 1
To gain better knowledge about the breeding behavior of Indian Common Crow, focal animal sampling, Instantaneous scan & adlibitum was done. For this purpose I selected one nest about 15 ft.
Location & Location Details:
1. DumDum Airport
i. Location of the road – DumDum Airport 2 No Gate, Manikpur
(Nabapally), P.O. – Italgacha, Kol – 79
ii. Predominant traffic – This road is mainly used by small &medium domestic cars.
iii. Topography – This road is little longer than 3 km. Half of the road passes through densely populated area, mainly residential area of middle to high income communities. The average heights of the building are 40 ft. Moderate numbers of trees are present on both side of the road. This is a large area which contains many play ground, few clubs, many temples &two ponds.
Instantaneous scan – The behaviors of a group or individual is recorded at set time intervals, and what the animal is doing at the moment that the time interval expires.
I have noted every behavior of nest attending crow belonging that time with 2 minutes intervals.
Focal Animal Observation:
Methods – Mostly focal animal sampling was done on one of the nest for obtaining qualitative as well as quantitative data on crow breeding behavior.
Focal animal sampling – It is a sampling technique in which, all occurrence of a specified action of a study subject (individual or