• Classical conditioning
• Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning is a basic form of learning in which simple responses are associated with new stimuli. An experiment that shows classical conditioning is the Little Albert Experiment (Phobias). This experiment was to show that you can change a person not fearing anything into a person fearing something. This experiment was done on a 9 month old infant called Albert; they gave him a white rat, a rabbit, a monkey and various masks. This experiment was to prove that you can change someone’s fear of things that they may encounter …show more content…
The initial schema is when the child develops an understanding of what a dog is from a picture book, then the schema forming is the child then remembering what a dog looks like, then the assimilation process is when the child expands understanding of what a dog is by observing one in the park then the child puts the schema to work by thinking what they remember seeing and then the child gets confused when the dog barks, looks furry and when it licks and then the adult tells the child that the things that confuses it is actually what a dog is and then the child puts in with the initial schema that a dog barks, is furry and that it licks and then the child remembers it. But then the child sees a cat in the park and then a new schema is formed but this time the child puts the schema for the dog and tries to match it with the cat not knowing that it’s a cat, the accommodation process occurs and then the cat meows and the child doesn’t know why it doesn’t bark because they think that it’s a dog not a cat because it hasn’t formed the schema yet for the cat, then the child finds out that the cat is furry, licks and climbs and then it’s confused again because the child doesn’t remember the dog climbing and then it ask=s the adult if it’s a dog but the adult says no it’s a cat and then it creates a new schema for the cat and now the child has 2 schemas (1 for dog and 1 for …show more content…
There are some key figures in social psychology from the years 1920-1986. Those key figures include; Allport-social facilitation (1920), Festinger–Cognitive Dissonance (1950), Milgram-shock experiment (1963), Bandura-Social learning theory (1963), Tajfel-Social identity theory (1971), Haney, Banks & Zimbardo-Prison study (1973), Weiner-Attribution theory (1986). The experiment that I will be talking about that links with social psychology will be the “Shock experiment” that was done by Milgram in 1963. In this experiment they had some volunteers and then they split them up into two different categories one being the teacher and the other one being the learner, but there was a few actors selected for the learner position, this was done to see whether or not the teachers would stop the experiment to see if the learner is ok because they think that they would be dealing fatal shocks that would range from 20 volts to 450 volts. Also in this experiment there was a person sat in the corner of the room with a grey jacket and telling them that if they want to stop the cant because the experiment requires them to carry on. The teacher will have to ask the learner a series of questions and if the learner gets it wrong then the teacher will have to