The West is on the precipice of destroying an institution that has promoted social order and tempered the more aggressive impulses and behaviors of men. The assault on the traditional family that began in the late 1800s, and accelerated precipitously under Sixties feminism is culminating in the sanctioning of gay marriage. In contrast to the claims of gay marriage advocates declaring that the institution will be strengthened, the redefining of marriage to include gays will be recorded as the death of marriage. The mother-father marriage ideal is the most effective institution in raising moral and well-adjusted children and promoting social order. Acceptance of state sanctioned, gay marriage will continue to undermine the father-mother family ideal or standard and end marriage as a viable and functional institution. The net effect of gay marriage will be more children raised without fathers and all the dire consequences of that development. How so? Gay marriage declares that gender is unimportant in parenting; thus, fathers are unimportant. Socializing boys and men to become civilized, law abiding and contributing members of society is the ultimate challenge confronting all societies. Men account for almost all of the social pathologies wreaking havoc upon certain communities, from alcoholism to drugs, from rape to murder, uncivilized men (especially single men) remain the major factor in social decadence. And, yet, the modern Left feels compelled to lift one of the few remaining levers to exert pressure on men to tame their sexual impulses, to commit to one woman and to provide for the children they produce. And for what? Why does the West insist on discarding this institution? Every single society in human history thought marriage necessary to establish such institutions; they all believed that it provided some social “good.” Never in human history has a society felt it necessary to formalize