Cavanaugh’s main statement is “Economics and Theology cannot be separated.” For how you spend your money will be a reflection on how you relate to God. He focuses on four different parts of the economy in his book namely, the free market, consumerism, globalization and scarcity. He states that the book attempts to view everyday economic lif with the use of Christian resource.
He argues that you as a Christian should be making your decisions in …show more content…
And if there is when is it free? William bases his argument on statement by Milton Friedman,” The central problematic of economics is how to ensure the cooperation of free individuals without coercion. Adam Smith said that people will enter into exchanges because it will be mutually beneficial to them. (Location 83)
Which to my understanding means that if you as a consumer feel cheated you will go somewhere else - The consumer and the seller then will be protected from each other with cooperation from other buyer/ sellers. (Location 83)
In his conclusion to this argument William suggests that the churches should take an active role in fostering economic practices that consonant with the true ends of creation. Promoting economic practices that maintain close connections among capital, labour, and communities, so that real communal discernment of the good can take place. Those are the spaces in which true freedom can flourish. (Location