There are three central characters in this story. Pelayo, Father Gonzaga, and the angle or the old man. Pelayo and Elisenda are new parents who have kind hearts. Despite all the harm they have inflicted or have allowed to be inflicted to the old man, they keep their child's best interest in mind. Pelayo could have just as easily left the old man in the rain. In this aspect, pelayo is a kind man …show more content…
His reaction is one that is unexpected. After long amounts of time with little to no movement, they poke him with a branding stick. He reacts. At this point, the reader really begins to feel sorry for the old man. When the old man looks up “With tears in his eyes” we finally get so sort of insight to the old man's feelings. He is in pain and his reaction of harsh movement and words is not out of anger. He is in pain. The people of the town from “then on were careful not to annoy him” because of this uproar (480). This shows that humans aren't receiving the man as The whole story centers around this old man's life in this village and how he is treated when he is there. The saying “treated like a circus animal” fits really …show more content…
When the old man flies away, there is an opportunity for there to be a sense of happiness for the man we had escaped the awful conditions he is living in. Instead however the author shows the scene in the perspective of Elisenda who doesn't to harbor any feelings or care for the old man that she took in. “because then he was no longer an annoyance in her life but an imaginary dot”(482). She has no feelings of gratefulness or appreciation to the man that lets her live the life of luxury she is able to lead. The term the heart grows fonder with time does not apply to this