1. Taj wants to start a blog about animals. List a blog title and blog address that she could use. Talk about at least two reasons why those would be good choices for a blog title and blog address. Explain in 2-3 sentences. (4.0 points) The title should be “Animals” And she should talk about her favorite animal.…
This is my punishment and corrective action for the problem. I am also having to type this paper in which is to detail the events and the way I violated the 7 army values which are the following: loyalty, respect, duty, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. This event occurred on Thursday, which was the 26th of March 2015. On this day I was instructed by my platoon sergeant to take care of my gat 2.0 before rolling out with my section to conduct crew drills that morning at 0930. I did as I was told; I went to my room showered got dressed, went and had breakfast, then came back to my room.…
Soldiers must be and act responsibly in every situation they may find themselves in, whether it’s in or out of uniform. Responsibility increases when soldiers believe that they have personal control over their mission performance, performing out of desire to do well instead of just following orders. There have been many studies that have suggested that when a Soldier feels that they have personal control over work performance the result is that the Soldier has a better task performance, better problem solving, and a higher persistence in accomplishing the task, more positive emotions and even better psychological and physical health. Responsibility and accountability are two of the main factors in being a successful Soldier in today’s U.S. Army. You must be a responsible soldier if you want to make it through deployment alive. Or even worse, if you fail to be responsible you could…
In this article the writer focused on personal responsibility and how it relates in the military, and how your actions can not only affect us but our families or the people around us.…
Accountability is defined as, the obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of the property, documents, or funds. Though I am aware of the different types of accountability in my case, I failed to ensure one of the most important, which is personal accountability. One of the values in the United States Army, that most seek in soldiers is accountability. Accountability (in this case) means that you can be relied upon to arrive to work and appointments on time, meet deadlines, be in the right place at the right time, and do what needs to be done to complete the mission at hand. Failing to be accounted imposes actions to be taken not only upon yourself but on your chain of command as well. As a NCO, I know that I must lead from the front and set an example for the junior enlisted soldiers as well as my peers, and subordinates. I knew that once I raised my right hand and recited the oath, I became accountable not only for myself but for my fellow comrades as well and I learned that it begins with self. If I can 't fully account for myself how can or why should I expect to be held accountable for a soldier, squad or platoon.…
The importance of completing assigned tasks in the military is forged in basic training, back in reception when you are handed your blue book. It is stated in the warrior ethos: I will never quit, I will never accept defeat. Total obedience is hammered into our brains through physical and mental stress and tasks that are assigned are expected to be completed without a second thought running through my head. The chain of command and for that matter the entire military is fundamentally built upon total obedience; if a superior tells you to do something you do it, without question. Not completing an assigned task associates down to the basic ground level that is visualized in the warrior ethos that was handed down to you by your Drill Sergeant on day one in your blue book so that you can learn and understand so one day you can defend this country when they step down. I failed to complete my assigned task to create a new platoon motto that was assigned to me. I have let down my peers and my supervisors. Not completing a task could equate to almost anything such as pushing out those last few repetitions of pushups or sprinting that last stretch on your run, keeping accountability of sensitive items, following orders given to you by your superior so chaos will not follow, not focusing and using the four fundamentals of Basic Rifle Marksmanship while qualifying, or not paying attention to or bothering to give it your all when troubleshooting equipment in a training exercise. In the event of quitting or accepting defeat while doing these in a garrisoned environment, this could translate over to a real life deployable situation and you would be ill prepared. At the end of the day I am a soldier and my life and other lives are in my hands at all times of the day. I should take everything seriously and never slack off no matter what the situation or event at the given time may be.…
Accountability In The Army Essay. This guide will provide the wanted of message and statement of the life. Life will…
My darkest hour was also the moment I became a man. When all my years of training, all the blood, sweat, and tears of running, aiming, skills training, and hand to hand combat had finally been put to the test. My first kill. It wasn’t a proud moment but it was one on necessity and choice that I’ve played over and over again and I still get the same result. It would have gone exactly the same.…
The day was 30 January 2011. I got to Camp Casey, Korea, a Specialist (SPC) excited about a new chapter in my Army career with goals and aspirations on taking my career to the next level as an up an coming Non-commissioned Officer (NCO). I quickly impressed many of my superiors, peers and subordinates by my work ethic and thirst to learn. These actions and the knowledge that I regurgitated to those around me led to me going to the promotion board, where I got my promotable status to Sergeant (SGT). Things were going well in my career at the time. My wife just got to Korea and two months later we found out that we were expecting our first child, Jazara Arianna Harper. I got promoted to SGT and Christmas was right there around the corner.…
My family are really important to me and without them I wouldn’t be here by now.And my family support me by going to the army.Although my family and I me and my family spend a lot of time together and other stuff together.And I want to meet a person that is from the army and tell me how interesting the army is.And the person who I want to meet is my cousin.He inspires me because he is is a hard worker and he is responsible .Also one one of the things is that I lost two most important person in my life.What I like to do in my free time is that I like to help and play with little kids.Although I do many things that are really fun to do like going to amusement park and other interesting things like skydiving and bungee jumping.…
My essay is on the importance of non commissioned officers and theirorders. Non commissioned officers are important to the army and soldiers cause they are the backbone of the army or as I call it the glue that hold the ranks together. NCOs also give the soldiers direction and purpose. When I say direction I mean if there is a task or mission to do the NCO will give the mission to the soldiers and tell them what needs to get done and how to do it. NCOs also give the soldiers purpose by giving them a task or mission to do. Noncommissioned officers are also important because they can take care of soldier’s issues and problems. NCOs have been in the army for years and know how to help soldiers with their issues and if they do not know how to help the soldier they have the resources to lead the soldier to someone who can help. An NCO is an enlisted member in pay grades E-4 or higher, holding a position of authority obtained by promotion from within the enlisted ranks. NCO's are recognized as leaders within their specialty. The importance of NCOs is derived directly from the NCO creed. “All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership.” This sentence suggests that all NCOs are going to supply the outstanding leadership for the junior enlisted soldiers. Leadership is purpose, direction and motivation. NCOs must provide purpose for soldiers to ensure that a soldier always has something to strive for. Junior enlisted soldiers constantly need to be provided with a means to continue his or her growing knowledge of his or her military occupational specialty. NCOs have to supply soldiers with direction at all times. Soldiers do not have the same amount of knowledge as NCOs do and must look to them for a proper example. If a soldier lacks motivation he or she tends to lack at work. An NCO must provide a way to keep his or her soldiers motivated 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Once a soldier’s motivation starts to deteriorate he or she can…
Opportunity may mean little to some, however for others it can mean everything. The opportunity to live a new life, the opportunity to thrive, or the opportunity to survive. An Opportunity is can be a door to something better; a chance at something of value. For many people in life an opportunity is all that they are searching for, and it is often a key part of their success. Countless people join the military or pursue a career with no guarantees of success, but the chance to better themselves or put themselves in a situation where it is possible to succeed. With opportunity comes a chance to succeed and that could be an significant turning point in someone’s life.…
There is importance in in being at the right place at the right time with the right attitude, and also in the right uniform. It represents the army and what we stand for. In the united States Army paying attention to detail and following your chain of command is important part in the mission. Failure to do so can affect the mission drastically. it can hinder even small parts, in which case can turn into something more important. In this essay, I will, hopefully, be able to explain the importance of all of the listed above in the following paragraphs, as well as a way to adhere to the "Army Standards."…
Due to my recent troubles at work I have been counseled twice in the past several weeks. This has given me a lot of time to reflect at the way I have really presented myself in the Army thus far. I have not always been the best Soldier that I could have been during most of the time I that I have been in so far. Thinking about this does bother me, it means that I could be trying harder to get ahead and better myself as a Soldier and a person. Lets say for example I have been late to work twice in the past several weeks not only to include missing a pt formation altogether. I did this by not ensuring that i had met alo of my neds to ensure that i woudl wake up in the morning. But by doing this I showed my new supervisor that I was irresponsible and could not take care of the normal things that I needed to do by being at all formations in the proper uniform on time, which is now 30 minutes prior as of last week for me. What I should have done was ensure I had covered all of my bases so that i would have been at the formation, but I did not do this I was not the responsible Soldier that I should have been and just not thought about it as I did. Because it was the right thing to do I once again hold myself back from promotion, win Alpha company. I also should have known that alarm clock was not going to set its seld properly. As much as this was discussed I should have been fully aware of this and I just completely let it slipped my mind which I know is not a valid excuse yet I did do so. To make things worse that day instead of being a good Soldier like I should have and gotten up and just walked to work I decided that the best thing to do would just be a lazy worthless Soldier and go back to sleep thinking that “oh I should be able to find a way to work no problem.” Well I was wrong again and did not do the things that a responsible Soldier or even yet just person in general would have to make it to work, I…
The main reason for this essay is because I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the correct place of duty for PT/Accountability formation at the correct time. Although there was a miscommunication, granted on my half, there is still no excuse for me to miss a formation. I want to be an excellent soldier and I want to excel in the military. The first step I need to put into action is always making sure I am at the appropriate place of duty at the correct time or preferably with time to spare. This is a simple task that is easy and painless to ensure, and it will be accomplished.…