Being old is something that we all have to face sooner or later. The transition process can be made a smooth one or will take some people going kicking and screaming. In this review I will discuss the cognitive, physical, and social factors that go into our society’s definition of being “old.” I will explore how older adults are treated in the United States. I will also examine if this treatment suggests a value for older people and how the messages our society sends be it positive or negative might influence older people. The physical factors that contribute to the definition of being old start with more visible differences such as the color and/or amount of hair and the additional wrinkles, but many other physical changes are hard to see. There are four groups of biological theories of aging that may help account for the physical definition of aging. Wear-and-tear-theory suggests that the body, much like a machine, gradually deteriorates and finally wears out. This would help explain diseases that are associated with getting older. Next is Cellular theory which explains aging by focusing on processes that can lead to the build up of harmful substances or the deterioration cell over a lifetime. The third is Metabolic theory which focuses on aspects of the body’s metabolism to explain why people age. The important factors for this theory are caloric intake and stress. The forth and final theory is the Programmed cell death which suggests that aging is genetically programmed. Now that we have the fundamentals for the physical attributes to the definition of being old, let’s explore the cognitive factors.
There is an age-related change in the cognitive processes which include reaction time, memory, and wisdom that is associated with being old. According to research attention and reaction time both seem to deteriorate in older adults unless the task involves simple searches and when people are given sufficient practices. Working memory is also a cognitive process that is affected. Older adults tend to perform worse than younger adults on tests of episodic memory which is the general class of memory having to do with the conscious recollection of information from a specific time or event. Lastly we have wisdom which researchers have discovered that contrary to the tales of the “old wise man” and what people expect, there is no association between age and wisdom. (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2007) We have discussed the physical and cognitive contributions to the definition of being old; let’s now explore the social factors that complete this definition. Social aspects that help define “being old” are an interesting one because on the surface it appears to be one of value, respect, and care for the adult populations well being. Evidence of this is shown through the implementation of senior health care benefits, social security, senior citizen facilities etc. But if you take a closer look you will find major flaws in societies thinking by the way our older people are actually handled. For example, nursing home and rehab facilities which if thought out, handled, staffed, and educated properly these facilities could be very beneficial for both the older adult and their families. But unfortunately this is usually not the case. Nursing homes often become a dumping ground for older adults that require more time and attention then the caretakers have time for. This is where the situation for the elderly adult goes from bad to worse. Here in these facilities, if not monitored and/or reported regularly by local officials and loved ones; elderly people are neglected, physically, sexually, and emotionally abused or mistreated. In a personal life experience my grandfather had been in a rehab facility for physical theory following a stroke. He was unable to speak at the time but after a few weeks my family began to notice that he would become combative with the staff whenever they entered his room. After doing some research and unexpected visits we learned that my grandfather was being left in his bodily fluids all day and this had began to cause sores. The explanation from the staff was that they just had not gotten around to it. This sparked a huge investigation and it was found that my grandfather was not the only one that was being neglected.
For those that live on their own, they run the risk of being taken advantage of financially or exploited monetarily. In San Francisco California a 84-year old women was held prisoner in her apartment by six gang members who dealt drugs out of her home. A district attorney gave a statement to a reporter from the San Francisco Gate stating that elderly abuse is one of the most serious issues facing law enforcement today.( Doyle, 2005) These are just a few examples of the overall true feelings of older people by society a whole. After evaluating I have concluded that these do not look like the actions of a society that values, respects, and cares for the well being of older people. This treatment can have only negative affects and send negative messages that influence our older people. I believe this is why people fight so hard to stay young and youthful by any means necessary. People are doing anything from exercising and taking vitamins to going under the knife and receiving Botox injections to preserve their youth. Our society has made a statement that youth is the key to happiness and once you get old you are frail and vulnerable In this review I have discussed the cognitive, physical, and social factors that make up our society’s definition of being “old”. I also explored how older adults are treated and examined if this treatment suggests a value for older people in the US. Lastly, I determined how the positive and/or negative messages influence older people. I can honestly say the phrase “you can show me better than you can tell me” certainly applies to the treatment as well as the thoughts and feelings of society toward older people. The only question left to ask oneself is “how do I want to be treated when I get old,” because there are only two options in life and the other as is getting old is inevitable.
Work Cited
Kail, Robert V. & Cavanaugh, John C. Human Development: A Life Spain View, Fourth Edison. California, 2007
Doyle, Jim. “Golden years tarnished by abuse: Society begins to pay more attention to mistreatment of elderly.”, 31 May 2005
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