1 Being with a Sarcastic Person Makes You Too Darn Smart
There's no two ways about this. A sarcastic person makes you think. The sarcasm may range from anything mildly …show more content…
funny to downright insulting, but you have to be at your razor sharp best to get what they mean. You have to rack your brains to find the hidden, 'cryptic' sarcastic gems, which automatically stimulates your cognitive powers. Research has also pointed out the fact that constant exposure to sarcasm increases your out of the box problem solving ability.
Compared to a more straightforward date who says it without mincing words, a sarcastic date is going to force you to think beyond the literal meaning of the communicated words, and hence help your grey cells get accustomed to come up with more creative solutions.
2 Their Sarcasm is but a Charming Way to Bond With You
Well, most sarcastic people are just smarties who are actually softies inside. And most often, they mean no harm but are just looking for a brilliantly cocky way to break the ice and bond with you. They may say something that appears inappropriate, mean, and outlandish to you, but hey that's just their way of showing you how special you are, and how you've earned your way into the list of their closest people who they love bonding with over smart alec comments. "You're special, you're mine, and I don't have to really watch my words with you when it comes to having some fun"' seems to be their mantra.
3 They're Funnier and So Much More Interesting Than Other People
Their humor is complicated, and that doesn't just make them smarter than most other regular folks, but also rip roaringly funnier and much more interesting. There will never be a dull moment with this person, since they'll always be at their glorious best when it comes to taking humorous jibes at people and situations. They will be on their creative edge every minute, even when they are waxing eloquent about a discomforting situation. This makes them appear so appealingly smart, funny, hilarious, and creative to other people. Now, who wouldn't want to flaunt such a date?
4 They Will Take up for You in A Wicked and Witty Manner
Well, see it like this -if they can be sarcastic with you, they can be doubly sarcastic for you. They will be your saviours in shining armor when it comes to protecting you from mean, nasty comments, or plain bullshit from other people. They won't go about smashing people's faces, but will do more damage to the other person's ego by "slapping with a kiss" in a fun, classy yet insulting way. Most likely, the target of your wrath may not even be smart enough to realize he/she has been insulted, but this gives you and your date a fabulous opportunity to laugh over a private joke later, which means more bonding. Yay.
5 They Are Soft Below the Hard Exterior
What do they say about the silent and unruffled ducks paddling furiously inside water?
Their personas are quite close to these proverbial ducks. They ought to have a lot of feelings, wit, depth, and insightful thinking to come up with off-beat ways to insult. This makes them so much more sensitive and loving in an endearingly way if you just care to peek behind the "I am smart, and I know it" exteriors. Quite an irony, much like their comments! Just see it as their default setting that spouts only tongue in cheek sarcasm, and not their entire personality. They have little control over it, you see. Being mushy and gooey all the time doesn't come naturally to them. So cherish this side of them, it only means there's a softie inside who cleverly masks the gooey side with a shield of sarcasm.
6 The Meanness is but a Demonstration of Affection
What you mistake for their meanness is actually a fine display of their wit, humor, and affection. More often than not, the sarcasm czars/czarinas can also have a good laugh at themselves. They will make the mean comments and seemingly nasty remarks on a date because they're confident you can take a good joke and laugh. Or give back, and laugh at them. This is their way of displaying affection and an easy camaraderie. It also means they value you enough to remove the barriers that exist between people who are dating each other, and are going ahead to forge a greater, stronger friendship that thrives beyond romance.
7 They can turn you into …show more content…
a Super Witty Wisecrack
Of course you are going to climb up the wit ladder if you're dating a dude or a diva who is constantly keeping you engaged with their sarcasm. You will want to give back, and they will love for you to give back. It will be a sort of an exciting battle of the wits, with the two of you indulging in some stimulating mental mudslinging. You need to constantly come up with thought provoking rejoinders, witty ripostes, and complementing wisecracks to foil your date's attempt to bog you down with their glowing wit. And guess what? Before you know it, you've turned into the sassy and witty Chandler, who's never short of a hilarious, straight-faced comeback. How's that for some plus about dating a sarcastic person?
You'll Develop A Rhino's Skin
Another plus about being with these smart asses is you will be a rockstar at dealing with criticism, nasty remarks, and tongue in cheek jibes. You will learn to take everything with a pinch of humor, and laugh at yourself. They will successfully kill your ego, sense of self-importance and everything that comes in your way of enjoying some sarcastic wickedness directed at you. We all have this innate gift for taking ourselves to seriously sometimes, and trust us, these guys will shred into pieces every bit of exaggerated self importance you ever felt for yourself. This simply means that you will be less touchy about people taking good humoured pot shots at you. And that's a good thing, isn't it?
They Can See Through People's Crap
These intelligent souls, with a whacky and complicated sense of humor can also see through the complexities of what people actually mean when they say something.
To put it simply, they can see through people's bull shit. When they are gifted in the art of wrapping their insults in a beautiful package, they can also see through the glossy coatings of others. This indeed translates into the fact that you're dating someone who is a good judge of character, and can be your guardian angel against these timewasters and drama inducers. Well yes, they can be irritating, but think again, the very same irksome persona can work in your favour when it comes to understanding other