By: Oscar Torres Contreras A01152343
Usually becoming a foreign student in order to study in another a different city can change your life in many aspects. Living in another city far away from home can bring arise many consequences and experiences, which almost always changes a student’s way of life. When you become a foreign student, many things change or have to change. For example, you do not live with your family anymore any longer, so usually then, you have to learn how to live and get along with others, how to do things by yourself, how to move to other places, etc among other things. Being a foreigner makes you learn a lot of things, but at the beginning it can be somewhat somehow difficult, as it happened to me. That is why In this manner, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the three main characteristics of being a foreign student.
Firstly, the main characteristic and the one that affects you the most is the fact that you do not live with your parents nor in your house anymore, which means that therefore you will not enjoy its commodities. It used to be so good when your mom cooked for you, and when the housemaid used to make your bed. Your dad took you to school, and when classes were over, you came back home to your room and made yourself comfortable. Nevertheless, becoming a foreign student implies that you will live in a dormitory or that you will rent an apartment. Usually you have to take care of dirty unwashed dishes, messy rooms, and as well as for cooking. This means you have to learn many new things, such as how to cook several dishes different meals. In a few words, you have to learn how to be independent.
However, once you’re there you have to find your way around the city, so you have to learn the main areas and streets of the city. If you have a car, it may be easier to explore the city unless you’re afraid to get lost and don’t enjoy the uncertainty of not knowing where a street might take you, since