CIMB Wealth Advisors (CWA) was incorporated in 1990. Since then, they have becoming among the top ranking in the wealth management and financial service industry. It provides a complete financial system with comprehensive solutions for wealth management for their client. On June 6 2013, CWA team successfully carried out a career talk for the student of INTI International University & College, Subang Jaya. Everyone can take part in this career talk especially to those who taking business course. The talk started at about 2:30pm with the master of ceremonies by one of our college student. She gave us a short background of the talk later. The MC then introduced the Vice president of CWA, John Lau. He started to explain to us the topic of the talk. The title of the talk was “Being a Rich and Fabulous CEO”. The purpose that having this talk with everyone is telling us the way and tips to become a successful CEO although just a normal business man. Firstly, he explain to us what’s CWA helping to us. He also let us know how much income that every level class of worker or manager earning every year. Beside that, he told us need to set a goal for our future. Instead, he let us know what attitude and personality that every successful person that must have. For example, do not order others people doing something else, but the best one is listens to the comment or feedback and do something on it. Every successful CEO or leader must listen to others in order to let other people to listen on you. Become a CEO was a dream of every human, but dream without action, dreams still remains dreams. The speech was finish in 35mins. After that, we having the “role playing game”. We separated to few small groups. The rules was create a new company with one CEO. CEO must be chosen in one of us inside the group. Then, we have to create a new plan for our company. Beside of that, the plan must be persuade the judges to sign up for our plan. The power of
CIMB Wealth Advisors (CWA) was incorporated in 1990. Since then, they have becoming among the top ranking in the wealth management and financial service industry. It provides a complete financial system with comprehensive solutions for wealth management for their client. On June 6 2013, CWA team successfully carried out a career talk for the student of INTI International University & College, Subang Jaya. Everyone can take part in this career talk especially to those who taking business course. The talk started at about 2:30pm with the master of ceremonies by one of our college student. She gave us a short background of the talk later. The MC then introduced the Vice president of CWA, John Lau. He started to explain to us the topic of the talk. The title of the talk was “Being a Rich and Fabulous CEO”. The purpose that having this talk with everyone is telling us the way and tips to become a successful CEO although just a normal business man. Firstly, he explain to us what’s CWA helping to us. He also let us know how much income that every level class of worker or manager earning every year. Beside that, he told us need to set a goal for our future. Instead, he let us know what attitude and personality that every successful person that must have. For example, do not order others people doing something else, but the best one is listens to the comment or feedback and do something on it. Every successful CEO or leader must listen to others in order to let other people to listen on you. Become a CEO was a dream of every human, but dream without action, dreams still remains dreams. The speech was finish in 35mins. After that, we having the “role playing game”. We separated to few small groups. The rules was create a new company with one CEO. CEO must be chosen in one of us inside the group. Then, we have to create a new plan for our company. Beside of that, the plan must be persuade the judges to sign up for our plan. The power of