Duane Saari
BME-214614-04 Organizational Behavior
18 February 2013
Belief and Support of Human Capital: Case Study Analysis of Whole Foods
What role, if any, does McGregor’s Theory Y play at Whole Foods? Explain? The primary focus of this case study analysis shall be to examine the methods of Whole Food’s distinctive approach and development to the implementation of creative management strategies and how they can continue to successfully help them to maintain growth in their company. The underscoring premise of McGregor’s Theory Y primarily rest on the assumption that that the role of management is develop the potential of their employees and help them to realize their potential to meet the common goals of their organization (Steward, 2010). With this underlining thought in mind McGregor’s Y Theory plays an intricate and crucial role at Whole Foods. According to our textbook, Organizational Behavior, by Robert Kreitner and Angelo Kinicki, and the company’s primary mission directives, Whole Foods goal is for upper management to share the responsibility with their frontline managers in the development of a successful work environment (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p. 30). Whole foods promotes their employee teams to be self-directed and take initiative and responsibility for operating together for the benefit of their entire business organization. To this end John Mackey, Cofounder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market promotes through the application of McGregor’s Theory Y the happiness and growth of all employees within their organization. Through the use of "Conscious Capitalism", that purposely seeks to maximize the innate social and human potential of its employees Mackey sees workers as a capable resource. No viable business structure can thrive and survive if its employees fail to perform and meet company goals successfully. In employing McGregor’s Theory Y which believes that work is as natural as play and rest, that people are not
References: Steward, M. (2010, June). Theories x and y, revisited. Oxford Leadership Journal: Shifting the trajectory of civilization (1)3. Retrieved from http://www.oxfordleadership.com/journal/vol1_issue3/stewart.pdf Kreitner, R. & Kinicki, A. (2013). Organizational Behavior ( 10th ed). McGraw Hill/Irwin. [->0] - http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/blog/john-mackeys-blog