First off, Sula maintains this …show more content…
Sula getting caught up in a relationship caused her to be to aggressive and it resulted in her losing someone she really had feelings for. Sula never wanted to look for love. She was more interested in the pain of it, and her relationship with Ajax, caused her to lose what she was used to.
Finally, Sula feels that her relationship with Nel is so close together, that they are equivalent to being one person. Together their characters balanced them out to a complete person. Because their relationship was based on sharing with one another, not dividing, it was significant to Sula that Nel can be by her side because she represented what Sula lacked as a person, which is a warm, calm, and an established women.
This is relevant because Sula feels therefore, that they can share any and everything, and that it wouldn't be a problem. This is more negative than positive for Sula because through these relationships with men, it destroyed their relationship and breaks up their individual identity where their friendship is suppose to created by the combination of them two. Sula losing this bond was like losing a part of herself and in a sense, she didn't get back because of her death. But, her bond with Nel ended up coming together on a spiritual