Throughout the song, the artist, Daniel Murillo, uses his past experiences as an inspiration to write these lyrics, along with the help of fellow band members, Jorel Decker and George Ragan. Taking Mr. Murillo’s past into consideration, I found connections in the song as I went deeper into his past life. Not much was revealed on his social media pages, surprisingly, but I found most of my information from interviews and/or articles about these talented men. Mr. Decker’s past was very easy to find, but as I continued to search, I found some things that he doesn’t talk about. So, as I took bits and pieces of these men's’ pasts, and connected them to the song, I found that this song was mostly focusing on Mr. Murillo’s suicide attempt, or better yet, why it was an attempt and not a …show more content…
The “backdoor” is considered the wrong way to leave a house, and the “house” is life. In both stanzas, Mr. Murillo states, “I could keep running, hide until they find me / but what would that do” (Lines 14-15). By saying this, he’s questioning why he’s running from his problems. He’s questioning what would happen if he didn’t keep hiding from his “demons” and actually faced everything head on. Following those stanzas, Murillo adds on by saying, “If they could only know what I knew / what would it prove” (Lines 16-17). Continuing the idea that he is running from his problems, his problems are most likely caused by people, and he’s saying that if they knew what he thought about, the way he felt about himself because of them, would that change their opinions or would that allow them to prove that he is weak, seeing that some people say suicidal people are weak and pathetic. Further into the song, Murillo went on to say, “The longer I’m away / the more we stay the same” (Lines 20-21). Interpreting these stanzas into my own words, I figured that he was meaning that if he kept running from his problems, and not facing them, then nothing would ever